Sonata get kicked out from the Foot clan

Start from the beginning

Foot clan:"Yes! Make them pay!"

Sunset shimmer:"And the same with the Rainbooms! They have now made themself an enemy! Follow me! And we will set Shredder free, and make the turtles and Rainbooms beg on their knees for mercy! And nothing will stand in our way!"

Foot clan:"Yay! Okay! Long live Sunset shimmer!"

At the same time in the lair, the TMNT/MLP eated their breakfast.

CH Pinkie:"Hey, did Sonata and both of Spikes ever come back home from their walk yesterday?"

Mikey:"No, I don't think so."

Leo:"Do you think something happend?"

Raph:"I think she should be back if something didn't happend."

Leo:"Good point."

CH Twilight:"But what are we waiting for?! We have to find her! Let's move!"

The TMNT and CH Twilight and Pinkie went to the surface to seak for Sonata and both of Spike. After an hour they heard a bark.

CH Spike:"Guys! I finally found you!"


Donnie:"What happend? Where is Sonata and the other you?"

Spike:"We was no our walk, but suddenly a foot bot appeared from nowhere and hit Sonata in the head so she got unconscious. Then it took her and EQ me followed them while I runed to find you. But, I kinda got lost..."

Karai:"They brobably took her to Shredder's lair."

Pinkie:"Oh, no! Do you think they know she helped us defight them?"

Raph:"Why else would they kidnap her?"

Leo:"Alright guys, let's move!"

Outside Shredder's lair they found an unconscious Sonata laying on the ground with blood in her face and on her left leg. Next to her was EQ Spike who had a worried face.

Donnie:"Oh, poor little girl! What happend to her?"

EQ Spike:"I'm not sure. She limped out from Shredder's lair five minutes ago, and when she was half way to me, she falled to the ground and fainted."

Twilight:"does she breathe?"

EQ Spike:(nodds)

Donnie:"That's a good sing. I can help her if we get her to my lab."

Raph picked up Sonata in his arms and they hurried back to the lair.

CH/EQ Rarity:"What happend?"

Donnie:"I can't explain right now. CH Rar, can you hand me the first aid kit?"

CH Rarity:"Of course."

An hour later April, Casey and Shinigami come to the lair.

Casey:"Hi, everyone!"

April:"Where is Donnie and Rar?"

CH Pinkie:"They are in the lab helping Sonata. I would like to see how they are doing, but I'm forbidden to go in there."

Shinigami:"What happend?"

Mikey:"We're not sure. Sonata can probably tell us when she wakes up."

???:"Um... hi everyone."

CH Pinkie:"Sonata! You're okay!"

Sonata:"Yes, I'm gonna need to walk with a crutch for some weeks and will now have a scar on my face. But, eeeeh, it could have been worse."(smiles)(stops smiling)

April:"What's wrong, Sonata?"

Sonata:"I don't know where to go. My sisters will definitely not let me live with them now, and I have just left the bad side. I don't know what to do on the good side."

CH Pinkie:"Oh, Silly Sonata. You stay with us, of course! And what you do on the good side is easy, the first thing you do is make friends. And you have a lot of friends around you right now."(smiles at all of their friends)

Sonata:"Really? Are you guys really my friends?"(hope in her eyes)


Sonata:*sniff*"Thank you so much!"

Then music begins to play.

Sonata:"I never thought that I would find a place
To step right in and start again
I never thought I could just begin
Right where I left off and make a friend"

CH Pinkie:"Don't ever think that it might be too late
You don't have to wait, there's no mistakes with the friends you make
A friendship's only made of what you bring
And if you do it right, you can do anything"

All:"Just use your eyes
This time, no lies
Just don't disguise
Who you are inside

Because your friends are always there for you
You don't have to be the same for friendship to be true
Because your friends are always there for you
Around the world is still the same
Together you have more to gain
There's nothing that a friend won't do

Everywhere you go
Friendship there will grow
When you find it, it's the key
Friends can change the world, you see
Everywhere you go
Friendship there will grow
When you find it, it's the key
Friends can change the world, ah-ah
Friends can change the world, ah-ah
Friends can change the world, you see" 

As they finished the song they all hugged each other and Sonata smiled.

The songs are called "Not one of us" from the lion king, and "Friends are always there for you" from my little pony.

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