I was in some trance until I realised that this isn't good. I pushed him back , jumped up to get hold of bolt and closed the door behind me.

It was very close.


She's cute .

I bolted my door and went back to get dressed , she's so innocent and wild at same time . I should have seen her expression few minutes ago !

I went down and joined our families. They were laughing , teasing each other and joking around. Its so good to see them like this after many years.

" Raj ! Tomorrow there's a party , Arjun is arranging it . You should come , he's arranging it to attract foreign investors in machinery and show case our achievement in taking over LIFE hospital" my dad announced .

" And meera you also attend it , might be helpful in buying new machinery " my dad suggested .

" Oh yes uncle I will, you should take medicines and sleep now , it's quite late " she replied back .

" Oh Meera! Why don't you say that I should leave now? " My dad winked at her .

She gasped and said " no uncle ! I never meant in that way , I want you to stay but as a doctor I want you to sleep early "

" It's okay dear , I am just teasing you! I better leave Raj if not my son's will sleep while driving " he replied back .

" Dad ! I am good . I won't be sleeping early atleast not tonight " I said and smiled towards Meera .

Her face was flushed and bright red in colour .she didn't meet my eyes and kept her head down listening to Nik .

Soon evryone were leaving and I reached my car , I was expecting her to come out and bid us . But she's now where near my car let alone her home entrance . I was desperate to see her . It's like deja vu .


We were leaving after our dinner . I was waiting for her near my car . Everyone came out except her . I didn't see her after she said bye on terrace . Did she get any hint ? I don't want her to know any trace of my tomorrow's party plan. I want to surprise her .

She is the only cure to my irregular heartbeat. I was tensed hence I sat quietly near her coz her presence alone will gives me peace . I called her . Once. Twice . Thrice.

She didn't lift her . Maybe she slept. Is she coming for the party tomorrow? Her presence is important.

I waited for her for about 15 minutes even asked Sid to check on her . He came back saying she's sleeping.

She never slept without wishing me good night . Did she? Oh god I am  so tensed .

I left her house thinking she will be part of my life for ever , only to know that it's my last visit to her house.


I don't want to call her like last time . I don't want Sid to go and check on her .I have decided to see her myself.

" Oh aunty I think I forgot my keys in meera 's room , will go and get it . Dad wait here for few minutes " I said and left from there .

Sid and dad both winked at me ! What? Sid? I decided to avoid their constant stares and left from there .

She was lying on her back looking at some book , smiling big , thinking dreamily about something.

I didn't want to disturb her . But I had to .

" Thinking about me? " I asked her .

"Yes" she replied back . Wow! Really? It's nice Baby.

She snapped her head towards me " what?! No ! Why are you here ? You didn't leave ? Why didn't you knock? " She fired me with questions.

I smirked. " Baby one question at a time. I just want to see you before I leave . " I said moving towards her bed.

" Okay .." she said eyeing me suspiciously.

" I want you to come to my party this time" I said seriously looking into her eyes.

" Why? Are you getting married tomorrow?" She asked angrily.

I didn't know that it affected her so much. Maybe i should have done it simply then she would have been my wife by this time with lovely kids around us .

"No " I replied her .

" Why? You need some time? Now? "She asked  quoting me .

I sighed . " No . I never needed time to marry you and no I am not marrying tomorrow. I want you to be there . Don't bail on me this time" I said .

"I want you to see what you missed last time , it needs your presence " I said and moved closer to her . Pecked on her forehead.

It left her face red in colour and she blushed .

" Bye Meera , miss me , dream about me and I warn you only me " I said her and got up to leave her room.

"Good night " she whispered lowly .

I smiled and was satisfied that she atleast replied me . I went back to my car and got into it . Sid was giving naughty smile indicating me that he know I met his sister . I just waved back and left from there.

Sleep was no where near me. I am badly waiting for tomorrow . I can't be away from her anymore. Heard my dad  talking with Raj uncle about my marriage with Meera and Raj uncle giving him thumbs up about it . They are waiting for this party to be over, to talk with my Meera .

I slept away thinking about her and her antics today at dining table .


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Dedicated honeylet0617

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