18. awakened feelings

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VANESSA'S bag hung lightly on her shoulder as she pushed open the double doors to school. she looked around wearily, knowing that students would still be talking about the tmk alert from yesterday. vee walked to her locker, passing carly's one as well. she decided to talk to her best friend, since they haven't really spoken to each other in a while.

"hey." vee greeted with a bright smile. she got no reply, so she tried again. "... uh carly."

still no reply.

the brunette frowned slightly, "are mad at me or something?"

finally, carly looked at her. with a sigh she told vee, "yes. you didn't admit your feelings for beckett."

vanessa raised her eyebrows, "seriously? that's what your upset about?"

"yes, what did you think?"

"how about something more important."

"and talking our love life isn't important?" carly sarcastically asked. by now she was done and the two began walking to vee's locker. vanessa only sighed at her friend and started to put in her pin on the lock.

"okay, here. how about i ask you questions, you answer them and at the end, we'll see how true they are. then, you'll realise your feelings for beckett." cee suggested, a smug smile on her face.

"i told you; i don't like him!" vanessa groaned.

"are trying to convince me or yourself?" carly gave her a pointed look. "okay, first question: how close are you two?"

"close enough for me to not like him."

carly rolled her eyes, "question two: do you feel nervous around him? like do you get butterflies?"

vanessa thought for a bit, "now that i think about it, yeah i actually do."

"well that's progress. next question: does her ever tease you?"

"ugh, yes."

"and do you blush when he does this?"

"i... don't know."

"actually, she does." a voice said from behind them.

"beckett!" vanessa screeched as carly smiled to herself, amused my what was happening in front of her.

beckett ignored vanessa slightly, "we have a duet practice later, but i probably won't make it. sorry." he told her bluntly.

"what? why?" vanessa fumed.

"homework. you know, gotta keep the grades up." the boy smiled bitterly, walking off to his first class.

"can you believe him? ugh, i can't believe he would do this. he can't miss practice." vee ranted to carly.

"well, you seem fired up."

"of course i am!"

"and why is that?"

vanessa stood silent for a moment, thinking why she was so worked up about beckett missing practice. he had done it before, why was it only bothering her now?

unless, she would miss being around him. and having practice meant she would see him, so if he didn't come, she wouldn't see him.

vee's eyes widened as she realised she liked beckett. she actually liked him.

but she could never tell carly that. it would only bring her victory, and vee hated it when carly was right, despite the fact that she was her best friend.

vanessa fumbled on her words, "h-he just can't miss practice, okay? this duet needs to be perfect."

"whatever you say, vee." carly raised her hands in defence as the bell rang.


VANESSA layed on her bed, hand covering her face as she looked over what she realised today. and what had happened over the course of time since she met beckett.

she liked him. vanessa liked beckett.

a knock brought her out of her thoughts. she furrowed her eyebrows, wondering where the knock came from. another knock was heard and vee looked over to see beckett standing by her window. she quickly walked over to the window and opened up for him.

"beckett? what are you doing?"


author's note !

ooooh cliffhanger ! ;)
comment why you think beckett is by vee's house <3

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