10. trustworthy

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BECKETT waited in the dance studio along with vanessa. they were told they're going to meet mrs scott to work on their duet. the doors opened and her hills of her shoes were click-clacking against the floor.

"right, so are you two ready to get started?" she smiled brightly. beckett and vanessa stopped stretching and stood in the first position of their duet. it was twenty five seconds into the dance when mrs scott stopped them.

"come on, i want to feel the chemistry." she gestured with her hands and kept walking around, inspecting the two.

they started again, and again, and again, and again. by the fifth time they started over, they had finally reached the lift part. beckett stood ready, vanessa on the opposite side, ready to jump. she did a jog and jumped into Beckett's arms, although she flunked the lift on purpose. she almost fell, but thankfully beckett managed to catch her in his arms.

"vanessa, you've got to trust me." beckett sighs after setting vee on the ground, the warmth of her body left his arms.

vanessa scoffs, "trust you?"

beckett let another sigh out, "yes. i'm really trying to make this work."

"first time i'll hear you say that." vee mumbles, crossing her arms.

"you're really make this extremely hard for me, vanessa." beckett says, raising his voice a little.

"should've thought about not making it hard for me, beckett." vee sassed, stepping closer to beckett to seem more intimidating.

"you know, i can't work with you if you're going to act like this."

"if anything, you're the one 'acting like this'."

"you better-"

"hey!" a voice cut off beckett. "clearly you two have had some problems in the past, but at dancers we need to put aside our feelings and dance. after all, it is being professional." mrs scott scolded, looking between the two teenagers.

theye glance at each other. vanessa bits her lips, soon realising she's still close to beckett.

"now, get back to work!"

a moment of silence passes by, as they both avoid eye contact. the tension in the air was thick, so thick you could cut through it.

"i'm sorry, vanessa. i've just been so frustrated, i-i..." beckett says slowly, but not able to finish his sentence.

"it's fine, beckett. i guess i'm sorry too." vanessa apologies, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"can we meet up sometime? i would like to set things straight between us."


"shall we?"

vanessa laughs as beckett stretches his arm out to her, his hand open slightly. she takes his hand, leading him to the first position, again. they nailed the lift, having their chemistry they had during the first time they danced together.


author's note !

sorry i've been so inactive !! :(

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