06. detention

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A week.

that's how long its been since the almost-kiss, and that's how long beckett has been ignoring vanessa, again. he knew avoiding her would hurt the girl, but it's what beckett does best; running away from his problems, ignoring it for as long as he could.

the familiar feeling of energy takes control of beckett as he enters the dance studio. not more than five seconds was he in the room before he found carly right in front of him.

"you! ignoring my friend for a week after a little moment, and you don't tell me you didn't feel anything because that look in your eye says something else." carly ranted, raging with anger as she defended her friend.

"it's not what you think." beckett calmly says, waving his hand in mid air to try and calm carly down.

"oh really? necause it looks to me as if-" cwrly began, but she was cut off by her best friend pulling her arm.

"carly!" vanessa scolded, "there's no need for this." the chocolate haired girl tried to pull carly away but the blonde fought back.

"yes there is, i don't want you to end up like me." vanessa's eyes quickly softened as she heard carly's reply.

beckett chuckles softly, "clearly this is a silly friendship problem, which i am not part of."

"you are so part of it!" carly interjects, getting back to the original topic.

"carly, let this go."

at that moment miss helswheel walks in, seeing the feud between the two girls and beckett. "what is going on here?" her voice boomed throughout the dance studio.

"m-miss helswheel," carly stuttered, "we were just..." she trailed off, not having an explanation for their dance instructor.

"i don't care about any excuse you have, miss catto. you three were making a loud racket in my dance studio. so, your punishment is detention! for all of you."

"miss helswheel, i have prima practice after school." carly steps foward, worry shown all over her pale and panicked face.

the dance instructor sighs, "fine, miss catto you are free from detention. miss morita and mr bradstreet, you'll be washing the mirrors this afternoon. now, everyone in line!" helswheel clicks her fingers angrily.

"thanks a lot carly." vanessa muttered under her breath.


BY the end of the school day, and beckett was still ignoring vanessa. throughout the whole hour and a half of detention, beckett had not spoken to vanessa, hadn't made eye contact with, nor did he offer to clean the top of the mirror for vee, due to her height.

and before dashing out of the dance studio, beckett quickly whispers an "i'm sorry" to vanessa, leaving her stunned.


author's note !
im sorry im kinda failing at writing this book :(

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