16. confession

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VANESSA groaned as she was awoken by shouting. she fluttered her eyes opened, sat up and stretched. the morita girl rubbed her eyes before she furrowed her brows in confusion. realisation hit her, and with that, she sighs deeply.

it was her parents arguing, again.

vee quickly and quietly slipped out of her room to the bathroom and back in her room. she leaned her back against the door and breathed out another sigh. vee felt tears prick in the corner of her eyes as she heard a bit of the loud conversation.

vanessa breathed in the air, walked over to her draws and got dressed, ready for school. by the time she was done, she was debating whether or not she should go through the front door or through her window. with another sigh, she made her way towards the window and began her walk to school.


by lunch time vee was drained; she had barely spoken to beckett, which somewhat, upset her. sasha and carly had a huge outburst and started attacking each other with their words, which vee found extremely irritating as it constantly reminded her of her parents.

she caught the eye of beckett bradstreet. he gave her a small smile and in return she rolled her eyes, causing beckett to look at her confused but he shrugged it off.

the school bell rang, indicating school has finally ended. vanessa strolled down the corridors, then slumped down on the floor with a huff.

"hey." a voice said behind her, turning her head slightly she realized it was beckett.

"oh so now you wanna talk to me?" vee replied in a snappy tone just as he was about to sit down.

"fine then, i'll leave." beckett raised his arms up in surrender, getting ready to leave vanessa alone.

vee sighs, "no, wait! beckett- i... i'm sorry."

beckett stared at her for a moment as he saw the state she was in. "you okay?" he asked sincerely.

"yes... no. i, um, honestly don't know anymore beckett." she said truthfully.

"talk." beckett replied bluntly, a hint of seriousness in his voice.


"talk. tell me what's troubling you."

vanessa let out a shaky breath, staring into beckett's eyes to try and see what game he was playing. to her surprise, she found nothing, and knew that he genuinely cared. "okay, well it all started a few weeks ago... my parents have been fighting lately and it's starting to get harder and harder to deal with. and today! today was especially hard, i had to choose between going out my window or the front door. then sasha and carly started going at each, which eventually led to them reminding me of my parents. the four closets people to me are arguing and i don't know what to do. i mean, there's only so much a person can take."

by now beckett had moved closer and pulled vanessa into a comforting hug, rubbing her sides a little. tears pricked in the corner of her eyes.

"i'm sorry you have to go through this. but if it makes you feel any better my parents went through the same thing. trust me, it was horrible. it even lead to them getting a divorce!" beckett tried confirming vanessa, something he wasn't very good at.

vanessa's face dropped. beckett soon noticed his mistake, "okay yeah, maybe that wasn't something to say in a situation like this." he winced as vanessa looked down slightly.

"but hey, hey, we're still good. i'm still here which means you still have some love or something in your life."

"gee thanks, beckett." vanessa chuckled sarcastically, wiping away a few tears that fell down her cheeks.

"i'm serious, okay? things will get better, i promise." beckett replied, hands on her shoulders, looking into vee's teary eyes.

vee purses her lips, "thanks beckett." she replied softly, shuffling a bit. beckett placed a kiss on her forehead.

"c'mon, they're going to close the school up soon." he said, standing up and grabbing vee's bag. he stretched his hand out, vanessa laced her fingers in his as they walked out the school together.


author's note !

cute little veckett moment !
stand starts soon, i promise xo

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