chapter one - football player puke

Start from the beginning


"Jackpot" I whispered as I grabbed a bunch of snacks from the delivery my mom had gotten for her shop.

"Why are you stealing from your mother?"


"I'm not stealing, Anthony. Now go away" I roll my eyes.

"I don't think so Sunshine" He leaned against the pile of boxes.

"Don't call me that" I growled.

"Hey- how did you get out here anyway? I didn't see you leave your room" Anthony furrowed his black eyebrows.

"Maybe you just didn't notice me"

"Oh, Sunshine- I could never miss you" Anthony smirked. "And I was sitting directly in front of your door."

I roll my eyes and start grabbing some drinks from the fridge we keep in the backyard.

"Are you and Eric fighting or something? You've missed the last 2 football nights" Anthony followed me.

"Maybe I just don't want to watch football with a group of jerks"

"You slept with one of us" He grabbed my arm.

"I did not!" I gasp. It was true, Tanner & I never had sex.

"So you like one of us" Anthony smiled- showing off his white teeth.


"Sunshine- you should have told me your crush never went away"

"I don't like you Anthony" I groan.

"Are you sure? Because the love note you wrote me seems to say otherwise"

"The love note I wrote in SIXTH grade" I huff.

"Need help?" He followed me, picking up everything I was dropping.


"I think the stuff on the floor says you need help"

"You love to annoy me" I glare.

"Sure do, Sunshine" He winked.

I roll my eyes and walk over to my bedroom window.

"You climbed out of your window" Anthony stared at me blankly.

"Shut up and help me in"


"This is dinner?" Marilyn asked while staring at the pile of junk food.


"Why can't I just go out there and get some pizza from the boys?" She crossed her arms.

"Because Anthony is trying his best to annoy me today so he will probably follow you back" I pop a chip into my mouth.

"Anthony basically lives in your brother's room- I think he would know how to get in here without my help" Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"Shut up and eat your cheese doodles" I growl.

"Fine but you're buying me breakfast in the morning" She frowned and sat on the floor next to me.


"Summer what do we do?" Marilyn whispered.

"I-I don't know" I stare wide-eyed at my bed.

Marilyn was right about the snacks not being enough. I woke up starving and left my room for 5 minutes to get something to eat. When I got back- my bed wasn't empty.

Anthony Walton was sleeping drunk, and half-naked on my bed.

"We need to get him out of here before someone wakes up and gets the wrong picture" Marilyn whispered.

"I'll just wake Eric up" I shrug.

"But Tanner's in there" She whisper-yelled at me.

"And if I'm quiet- he won't wake up" I whispered walking through Eric and I's Jack & Jill bathroom.

I slowly open the door and step over Matt's sleeping body.

"Ew-Ew-Ew" I whisper.

I stepped in a pile of someone's puke.

"Summer- why are you in here- I just fell asleep" Eric groans.

"You owe me new slippers" I growl.

"Why did you need to tell me this at 2 AM"

"That isn't why I'm here" I hit his arm.

"Then why are you here"

"Your quarterback is in my bed" I whisper.

"WHO'S IN YOUR BED" Eric's voice booms and his sudden change of volume and the way he jumped up caused me to slip and fall in the puddle of vomit.

"What happened?" Tanner's voice made me freeze.

And suddenly I'm laying in a pile of puke- with 3 confused and angry football players staring down at me. 

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