Something like this.

Slipping it on with a pair of black heels. I put a elbow jacket on for its a bit cold outside. Giving myself a once over in the mirror, I left my hair in its natural wave. Luckily Zack's family is just two houses from here so I won't punish myself with these heels. Making my way downstairs I am instantly met with a old woman her blonde hair and light brown eyes. She's staring at me from the bottom of the stairs.

"hallo?" I greet trying to sound at my best I don't really know this women but at least she seems friendly enough.

"hallo Dear. We haven't met yet but I am Sophie. The packs witch, although I'm not a bad witch" she said flatly. I never met a witch before though I have heard they hold a lot of power and they are gifted to receive visions from The Moon Goddess herself.

"it's a honor to meet you Sophie. I'm Faith" I muttered, she gave me a warm knowing smile. Nodding her head.

"I know a lot about you dear, the Moon has shown me a lot. Our gifted one" she simply said. The Moon has shown her visions of me? But why I am no different then the rest my gift has came due to a mutation of the poisoning but although while I were in the coma the Goddess spoke to me. Telling me I will be the one who saves the pack as long as I use my powers wisely.

"what did she show you if I may ask?" I know i am pushing my luck here but my curiosity is drilling at my brain to know.

"basically all the important things Faith. She even showed me your mate. That is why you were so close even though you couldn't feel the bond but his wolf kept on digging" he whispers loud enough so Zack knew from the beginning "and I know of your twins, they are going to be strong pups dear" she adds. My eyes go wide my jaw drops. Twins! What's next. My breathing gets harder. This is overwhelming to be honest, I'm so happy but also I'm stressed.

"you my dear are going to live a long, healthy and amazing life" she commented with a bright set of teeth the only thing I could do was smile at her.

"now go to your mate" was her last words before she disappeared up the stairs into her room. My body was frozen on the spot I can't believe I'm pregnant with twins. It's rare that werewolves get pregnant with twins but it still happens.

Standing in front of the house number 21. Sucking in a deep breath and gathering all my courage I walk up the porch knocking 3times on the door. Now I wait but it wasn't long before the door swings open.

There stood a unknown person to me blonde hair and green eyes his atleast about my age. He's very handsome and muscular. He scans me over before he spoke.

"Sorry but who are you?" was his simple question and I don't blame him. If his one of Zack's family members he won't even know how I look like.

"Zack's mate" I replied. His face lighten up with a childish smile plastered on his lips. I can't help but to laugh at the manner.

"Shut up!!" he practically yelled as he suddenly embraced me squeezing the life out of me. Tapping his arm he released "sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.. Ah... I'm Alan Zack's brother! It's nice to meet you Faith" he blurted out extending his hand for me to shake and I happily did. Earning a smile from me he opened the door wider for me to enter and I have to say the house is beautiful its all old country styled furniture and everything was antique wooden stuff.

"we didn't expect you so soon though. But follow me my parents would love to meet you" he muttered leading the way to the back door. Walking on my time I admire the house it reminds me of home.

"does Zack know I'm here?" I decide to ask while following him like a lost puppy. He only replied by a normal 'nope' while popping the P. Soon we exited the pack door looking out into the backyard its also amazing. Swimming pool and a BBQ fireplace.

Zack and two other people were chatting away as Alan raised his voice "my sister In law has arrived!" he blurted out bowing to me as I pass. Smiling Zack jumps to his feet speed walking to me. Lifting me up into his arms he spins me two times before letting me down. I was consumed with giggles. "you look beyond beautiful Faith" he comment, the shine in his eyes warms my heart I truly have missed him.

"Heeyyy sweety! I just have to say you look stunning!" she seems so sweet with her warm smile.

"mom please don't embarrass me?" was more of a question, his mother scoffed turning back to me.

"don't mind him his just a little nervous. I begged him so two days now to meet you and finally he gave up! Sorry where is my manners my name is Sherry Zack's mom and this..." she turns and faced a man still standing at the back of Sherry "Is my husband James. His a little grumpy don't mind him" she adds. This James only stares at me and I swear it seems like disgust.

"you should have rejected her Zack she's a disgusting rogue she doesn't belong here" James spat out of nowhere. He has a great deal of hate towards rogues. I feel sick to my stomach right now. I feel unwelcome in his family.

"DAD I WARNED YOU! SHE IS MY MATE AND NOTHING YOU SAY WIL CHANGE MY MIND!" Zack bellowed, his father on the other hand seems disappointed I know I'm not perfect but Zack accepts me for who u am.

"if you keep her mark my words you will be no longer apart of this family" his father seethes. Backing up slowly Sherry looks hurt by her husband's words and Alan only give me a small smile.

"I can't even if I wanted to I can't!! But I will never reject her she's my mate dad! She's pregnant!" He whispered the last part. My heart almost stopped No! His father can't even accept me what about his grandpups. James eyes zoned In on me and then back to Zack. Clenching his fists at his side. He only spoke again and it made my heart plumbed to the flour..

"I see you are the whore I expected you to be!"

Hectic ending?

Let me know In the comments what you think.

Love yah all

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