Chapter 10: Premonitions, pranks and purchases

Start from the beginning

"Yep, shouldn't be a problem. I wish I could spend the day with you it sounds like fun."

'What you wanna come dress shopping with Cece and me?" I grin and he throws a blueberry in my direction. "Is there anything I can do to help with the museum?"

"I don't think so, thanks," Zak replied stickly chewing his last mouthful of waffles and syrup.

"Give me a call if you do need anything done, I'm more than happy to help out."

I will, thank you, sweetie." Just then a car horn blares from outside, "That'll be Aaron."

"You think?" I laugh as some elaborate but extremely flat tune is played on the horn to garner Zak's attention.

"I'll see you later on, be good." He winks as he downs the last of his muscle milk and with a quick kiss he jogs out of the door.

I take a leisurely swim and Gracie and I enjoy a long walk through the hills behind the house. After showering off the dust and heat of the day I get dressed and drive over to collect Cece for our girly afternoon. There were no signs of life as I pulled up outside so I let myself in the front door, it was eerily quiet inside too with no one to be found in the reception area, all I could hear was the faint hum of the fluorescent lights overhead.

"Zak? Aaron? Cece?" I called out walking through towards the office.

"I'm here." I hear Zak call from the back of the museum, I strode towards the sound of his voice calculating that it was coming from the knife room or thereabouts. Consciously ignoring the basement as I walked past I swung open the door only to find the room empty. The pulse of energy grew stronger as I peered inside so I turned and quickly shut the door behind me.

"Zak?"I called out again, heading back towards the office. A flash of movement out of the corner of my eye made me turn my head. I couldn't be sure but I could have sworn that a large black shadow darted across the basement door, I paused just for a moment but neither hearing or seeing anything more I didn't dwell, my unease growing with each second. "Zak? Where are you?" I called a little louder hurrying quickly away from the ominous staircase. The office door opened just as I reached it, an involuntary squeak escaped my mouth when Aaron stepped into the hallway in front of me startled to see me hurrying towards him.

"Hey pompom, what were you doing back there?"

"I was looking for you guys, didn't you hear me calling you?" I stopped and glanced over my shoulder trying to shake the feeling that something was snickering at me behind my back.

"Nope, didn't hear a thing, did you, Cece?" Aaron turns towards the office where the petite figure of Cece is almost lost behind the large cherry wood desk and piles of paperwork.

"Hi Tracy, sorry didn't hear anything at all." She gives me a big warm smile and shakes her head.

"But Zak..." I began my brow furrowed in confusion.

"Zak's not here he had to go and sign some stuff at the solicitor's office." Aaron cut me off and I'm pretty sure the colour drained from my face as Aaron looked on in concern.

'But I could have sworn..." I glanced back over my shoulder frowning into the darkness. "Nevermind, my ears must have been playing tricks on me." I try to shrug it off and flash Aaron a smile, not sure that I'm convincing anyone, least of all myself and the frown I receive from Aaron only serves to prove that. "So is it ok for me to steal Cece?"
"Yup, just don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"I know you are into some strange stuff Sasquatch but I didn't think dress shopping was one of them." I raised an eyebrow at him in amusement. He rolls his eyes and raises his hands and forms a 'w' with his fingers. "Ok, Mr 1990's. Are you ready for some serious retail therapy girl?" I turn my attention back to Cece.

"I am so ready, let's get out of here." She straightens out the papers and picks up her bag from under the desk.

"Can you tell Zak I'll be back to pick him up later please Aaron?"

'Sure thing pompom, have fun." He makes to wander off, iced coffee in hand about to take a sip.

"Stay safe," I add before turning away, not able to lose the sense that something isn't quite right. Aaron frowns again but nods with the straw between his lips as he walks away.

Cece was waiting for me at the entrance unaware of any strange goings-on. Petite in stature you could be mistaken for thinking that she was a delicate little thing but knowing Zak and how she was able to wrangle him I knew she was a feisty, strong female who wouldn't stand for any nonsense. I liked her immensely.

"Oh my god it's so good to finally meet you in the flesh." I gush as I catch up with her at the door making her laugh.

"You too Tracy and thank you so much for this."

"No way! Thank you for all you have helped me with and giving me an excuse to escape the man crew and go shopping!"

"Haha! My pleasure! I could say the same." She grinned.

'So comfortable shoes? Check. Purses ready? Check. Game face on? Check. Ok let's do this thing!" We set off as women on a mission, ready to shop our asses off.

As promised I shouted Cece a new dress for the opening the next day as a thank you present for looking after me. She chose a long flowing chiffon off the shoulder gown in a teal and white ombre. It was stunning and I was a little jealous until I found something for myself. I was mindful of the attention that would be on Zak, the museum and I so wanted to find the perfect statement outfit. I found the perfect thing, classy, sexy and comfortable yet a little bit goth to satisfy my inner rock chick and to compliment Zak's style. Ignoring my usual aversion to wearing heels Cece and I completed our bonding over finding the perfect shoes. I had intended to go for something understated but then I saw them, and they were perfect. Cece acted as the devil on my shoulder and encouraged me to make the purchase... not that it took very much at all. I was right in thinking that Cece and I would become friends and we agreed to meet up again for coffee before I left. I drive back to the museum just as the last light leaves the sky, transferring her bags to her car I give Cece a hug and watch as she drives away.

Turning back towards the building a shiver travelled up my spine, in the failing light the structure only looked more formidable and the energy wasn't growing any less influential with my increased familiarity. I stepped inside but hovered in the doorway not feeling brave enough to venture any further this time.

"Zak?" I yell so there was no chance that I couldn't be heard.

"Office sweetie." I heard his voice call back, I begin walking gingerly in that direction not quite trusting my ears until his capped head peered around the doorway. With relief, I quicken my pace drawing him into a hug as soon as I could reach and tiptoeing for a kiss.

"Please! Stop!" I hear Aaron complain from inside the office but he bursts out laughing when I flip him the finger behind Zak's head refusing to let go of him until I'm ready.
"How you doing sweetie?" Zak asks when I finally let him breathe, a little taken aback by my enthusiastic greeting.

'All good, I just missed ya." I don't divulge my confusing and unnerving experience from earlier or my general misgivings about the place. It was probably nothing but a silly ghostly prank and I didn't want to worry him before the opening. "So everything good to go for tomorrow?"
"I think so, we'll just need to let the caterer in tomorrow morning, everything else is set." He smiles proudly.

"Awesome! Good job Bagans! You to Sasquatch." As if on cue a giant yawn splits Aaron's face. "Let's go eat and get you two home you both look beat." There were no protests and we left locking the museum up tight. I knew how tired Zak was when he let me drive without argument, directing me to a little mom and pop Mexican taqueria where we stuffed ourselves with burritos and nachos until we could barely move. Aaron's friend Tommy was in the neighbourhood and came by to collect him to go and work on one of there funny little stop animation movies. Zak is truly exhausted and falls asleep on the short drive home, luckily with the keys he has given me I have no problems getting through all the security and it wasn't until we were safely parked in the garage that I nudge him gently awake.

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