Down in the Depths

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Prompt - Lance has a decision to watch his friends die or die by drowning so that his friends to live.

Sorry that this took a little longer to get out! I just got a new editor (@Broken_and_Bleeding) and it was the first time she edited one of my stories! Please enjoy it! This is also longer than my other one shots so once again enjoy!


"Now Blue Paladin. What will it be?" The Galra snarled at Lance who tensed up, kneeling dangerously close to the edge of the cliff. "Will you die for your friends or will you be selfish and watch your friends die?"

Lance looked over to his friends who were tied up and injured. Some were injured more than the others and looked like they were in dire need of a healing pod. Taking a deep breath, his eyes hardened when he turned back to the Garla. "I'll do it. But you must promise that once I get into the water, you'll let them go unharmed."

The Galra smirked, "Of course, of course."

"Good, then we have a deal." Lance took a step closer to the edge, taking one last look at his teammates. Hell, they were more like his family! Yeah, he decided. That is what he would call them. He was taking one last look at his family and smiled, knowing that he was probably never going to see them again. It didn't matter anyways. He was replaceable, after all. They could live on without him. "Bye-Bye everyone, make sure that Allura treats my baby Blue right."

Keith managed to look at Lance and move his body despite the pain. Keith stared at the Blue Paladin who had tears in his eyes and yet refused to let them fall. Keith watch as Lance smiled the brightest he seen ever since they gotten launched into space. The smile was beautiful and it was probably the last one Keith would ever see from Lance.

Keith watched as Lance took one last step and turned back, his eyes shining yet his smile was brighter as he looked right at Keith, "Hasta la later Mullet."

The remaining Paladins watched as Lance jumped off the cliff. Keith was already numb at this point but just watching Lance jump off the cliff. He wasn't sure if he heard the splash of the water -to be honest, he didn't want to. All his brain was doing was replaying his own screams and Lance's last words.


It took a lot of willpower to not thrash about and swim to the top of the ocean to take a breath. Lance couldn't do that, he made his decision. He was meant to die for his friends. His friends would live long even if they were fighting in a war. Lance hoped that they could have happy lives with one another until their time comes and they come and join Lance up in heaven.

Lance just kinda... floated? Sat there? Well, either way, Lance was losing air quickly and it hurt. He heard or rather felt Blue's presence in the back of his mind. It was nice to think that that was the last thing that he was going to hear and feel before he dies.

My cub. You will be fine, it may hurt for a bit but let the water surround you. The water will help you. Blue spoke in his mind. It was a calming gesture, but Lance was still freaking out.

"Blue, I am drowning in my own element and you're telling me not to freak out?!" Lance thought, practically screaming at Blue, "Blue, I love you very much but this is stupid."

Then why did you jump into the water? You did not have to. Blue spoke again, her voice still calming.

"Because they don't need someone like me. I want them to live happy lives, and they don't need me to live." If Lance could roll his eyes at Blue he would, but he found himself drifting unconscious.

My cub, I know that you are scared but the Red Paladin cried for you. You are very important to this team, your family. Just let the water surround you, you will find something new. I shall leave now my cub. You will be fine.

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