Stuck a Small Space

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Prompt - Lance has claustrophobia and gets stuck in the elevator but without Keith by his side. Before you get confused, this is a texting one just because I wanted to try something new.

Lance - I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid

Hunk - Gordon Ramsey in the Flesh

Pidge - Tech Gremlin

Keith - Cryptid Hunter

Shiro - Space Dad

Allura - Actual Space Queen

Coran - Coran, Coran the Gorgeous Man


[I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid entered the group chat]

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Hey Allura? I have a question.

Actual Space Queen - What is it Lance?

Tech Gremlin - Why is your user name I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid?

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Because it's true, but irrelevant. Does the castle, spaceship? Castle spaceship have any stairs leading up to the pool?

Cryptid Hunter - There's a pool in the castle?

Coran, Coran the Gorgeous Man - Of course there is Red Paladin! Do you think we are some kind of savages?!?!

Gordon Ramsey in the Flesh - Keith, they have literally everything that you could really want.

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Yea Queef, they have a armoury mainly for knives. I've seen you in it.

Cryptid Hunter - Don't call me that.

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Call you what, Queef?

[Tech Gremlin changed Cryptid Hunter's name to Queef]

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Thanks Pidgeotto.

Tech Gremlin - No problem, but don't make me change yours too.

Queef - Why you little-

Space Dad - Okay, okay. No fighting before this goes to the real world.

Gordon Ramsey in the Flesh - Yes Space Dad.

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Allura! You never answered my question!

Actual Space Queen - There does not seem to be any stairs going to the pool. But there is an elevator.

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Oh....

Gordon Ramsey in the Flesh - Is everything okay Lance?

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - Yep! Everything's a-okay! I'm just thinking cause I gotta find my swimsuit now!

Queef - You keep your swimsuit on hand? That's stupid.

I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid - You keep at least four knives on you at all times.

[ I don't need pants, I'm a mermaid changed their name to Cuban Haru]

Cuban Haru - There we go, that's more fitting.

Tech Gremlin - Isn't that from that swimming anime?

Cuban Haru - That it is my dear Watson!

Gordon Ramsey in the Flesh - You may like swimming like Haru but you're more of a Nagisa.

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