No Pain, No Gain

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Prompt - Lance with CIPA (Congenital insensitivity to pain, something that makes your nerves wonky and you can't feel pain, heat or cold) and he doesn't notice that he's bleeding or in pain.

I got this idea from a friend in our discord chat! She'll probably see this to be honest!


Of course living with CIPA was quite hard and hard to get a hang up. It was also quite hard to explain to the people who didn't know what it was.

But in a nutshell, CIPA or Congenital insensitivity to pain, it's extremely rare inherited disease. And it basically just corrupts the nerves, making the person unable to feel pain, heat or the cold which proven to be quite hard for Lance to not die on a hot summers day in Cuba.

Sure Lance got a few scars from burns that Lance didn't even notice, a few scars from knives that were dropped onto his hands and fingers. But of course Lance never noticed any of these until his mama screamed at him and rushed him to the doctors office where they finally diagnosed him the CIPA.

It was quite hard to master but Lance learned to live with his CIPA and it's quite fun to play pranks on people who are unaware of his disorder though his mama always told him never to cause it could cause someone a great fright.


Keith paced the medical wing, making sure the keep a close eye on Lance's closed healing pod. That freaking idiot, being a self-sacrificial idiot. Don't get Keith wrong, he was happy that Lance trusted Coran enough to save him but that idiot didn't need to almost die.

"Good morning guys. What did I miss?" Lance stumbled out of the pod, nearly falling to the floor but Keith managed to catch him before he did.

"Nothing much, Hunk stressed baked and Pidge basically worked herself to death while you were out." Keith helped Lance stand up straight who had a smile on his face.

"Keith? Is someone in the room with you?" Pidge poked her head into the medic room. And upon seeing Lance out of the pod, she promptly ran towards him and rammed her face into Lance's chest, making him fall over and hit his back against the floor, "You idiot! You big idiot! Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry Pigeon. I didn't mean to scare you!" Lance patted Pidge's brown hair lightly with a smile.

"I accept your apology but that still doesn't mean that you're not an idiot." Pidge grumbled, getting off of Lance and helped Lance himself up.

"Did I hear Pidge yell at Lance?" Hunk poked his head into the medic room and ran towards Lance much like Pidge did but brought Lance into a giant bear hug, "Lance!"

"Hey buddy, sorry for making you worried. Keith told me that you stressed baked, did you save anything for me?" Lance smiled and hugged Lance back.

"Of course I did! I think I made something like chocolate chip cookies!" Hunk smiled again, setting Lance down who had an equally bright smile and eyes shining.

"Really?!?! You had me at chocolate chip cookies!" Lance cheered and ran out of the medic room with Hunk and Pidge on his heels.

While the three of them ran out, Keith had one question on his mind. Usually when Pidge runs into a hug, he usually has a sore back when he gets up and when Hunk gives Keith a big bear up he could feel like his ribs were cracking. Yet again, Lance probably dealt with these kind of hugs for a while and eventually just got used to it.


"Okay Paladins! For today's training you're each going to go against the training bot!" Allura spoke over the coms as she prepared the the simulation to start, "We'll be starting on level six. Lance, you'll go first."

"Okay, okay. I know you want me to go first so that I could show everyone how they should be." Lance shot a wink up at Allura even if Allura couldn't see it, she scoffed.

A few minutes had passed and Lance was doing good, he managed to to get up to level eleven before everything went downhill.

"Come on Lance! You can do it!" Pidge cheered as Lance shot down yet another robot.

Lance titled his head to the side for a tick to smile but taking his eyes off of the robot for not even a tick, the robot managed to cut Lance's face from his eyebrow down to his chin.

"Lance!" Hunk called out, jumping up to his feet.

Lance barely heard Hunk's worry filled voice before shooting down the robot that cut him and quickly moving onto the next one as if nothing happened.

"End training sequence!" Allura called out just before Lance managed to shoot the last robot, "Lance! Are you okay!"

"Yea, I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?" Lance put his bayard away and looked at the others with a confused face, blood dripping into his eye yet it went unnoticed by Lance.

"Uh, I don't know, YOU'RE BLEEDING ON THE SIDE OF YOUR FACE!" Pidge and Keith screeched as Lance touched the side of his face and came back with red staining his fingers.

"Oh, I didn't feel it." Lance shrugged, wiping the blood away.

"It is perfectly normal not to be able to feel you injuries because of adrenaline." Shiro spoke up as Lance sat down next or rather in front of everyone, taking a sip from a water pouch, "You're going to feel it in a few hours if you don't go in a healing pod soon."

"If that what makes sleep at night, you can think that." Lance spoke nonchalantly, quickly finishing his water pouch.

"What do you mean by that Lance?" Allura entered the training room and stood behind the Paladins.

"Oh, oops. The cat is out of the bag, I might as well tell you guys what's going on." Lance sat up a little straighter before speaking, "Well, I have Congenital insensitivity to pain or CIPA. It's quite weird. Its a very rare disease that is genetics, long story short it makes your nerves go all wacky and you can't really feel pain, heat or the cold. You can no clue how many times I nearly died because of heat-stroke back in Cuba. Like, I could get burned at not even notice it until someone points it out to me." Lance smiled softly, "Its quite fun to prank people and its quite hard to explain it to people over and over again."

"Wow. I've never heard of that!" Hunk exclaimed, "Heyyyyy, you promised me that you would tell me everything and anything!"

Lance began to laugh, holding his torso even though he felt no pain, "I-I was going to tell you! I just wanted to prank you a few times before I did!"

"Either way, you must go into a healing pod. I don't care if you can't feel the pain that you're in, but you are bleeding out." Allura walked over to Lance and began to drag Lance out of the training room.

Lance let out a small laugh, "As my older brother used to say, 'No pain, no gain'!"


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