"What? I can't say 'fuck'? Are you serious? Isn't this a school for boys?"

"A very strict school for boys. There is consequences for every action taken. He walks down the cobblestone path leading up to the main building.

"Is this hell? Please tell me. I am in hell right? I swear I didn't do anything that bad." I laugh.

"And that's why you were sent to this school." He smiles sarcastically. Is rolling my eyes an instinct? Because every time this kid opens his fucking mouth, it just automatically urges me to do so.

He opens the front door and holds it open for me to enter. I walk right through and cringe at the inside of this place.

The floors are fucking sparkling, there's paintings hung up in between every door down the hall, and there's chandeliers scattered periodically hanging from the ceiling.

"Impressed?" Austin speaks, moving to stand beside me.

I glare over towards him, "More like sick to my stomach. This place is fucking horrid."

He glares at me probably from my language. I ignore him and continue walking down the hall. I notice they don't have any windows.

"Are these the classrooms?" I point to a door on my left.

"For first years, yes."

"How come they don't have any windows?"

"Privacy reasons."

"Why are you so uptight." I look back at him. "Like really man, it's giving me the creeps. I'm starting to think you're like a vampire from twilight or something." my shoulders and arms raise in some form of shiver as my eyes scan him up and down.

"It's something I've learned here. You will learn as well."

"Um no." I scoff. If he thinks I'm going to learn how to have pin straight posture, or drink tea with my pinkies out he is sadly mistaken.

"Alright." He smiles sarcastically.

"Alright I'm done with this shit. Where's my room? It better not be a shoebox because I swear..." I walk past him towards the front doors and he's right behind me. I open the door and jump down the steps. I look back up to see Austin slowly descending while holding the railing.

"If you'd follow me please." He waved his hand in a gesture to follow him. He takes me around to the right side of the school and leads me up the stairs into a cabin like building.

He once again holds the door open for me and I walk through. The hallway is smaller than the school's and the doors are a lot closer together. It smells bad in here to, like the smell of an old house that hasn't been used in over a decade.

"Room 48." Austin informs from behind me. I don't acknowledge him but I walk down the hallway checking the numbers on the doors.

42. 44. 46. 48.

I stop in front of the door and turn the handle. It opens to reveal a crammed room with two sets of bunk beds.

"You've got to be kidding me." I groan. "I'm living in here? There's barely enough room to breathe!"

I turn around to see Austin's confirmation. I step in the room and see my bags on the bottom bunk to my right. I notice there's already another boy on top of the bunk above mine. He looks to have earphones in as he bobs his head to a beat that's silent to me.

"This is only temporary. For a week maybe. Well I'll leave you to get settled. And don't forget classes start tomorrow morning at eight o'clock sharp."

Boys Divisional School of MannersWhere stories live. Discover now