Chapter 16

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It was inevitable, I knew it was going to happen at some point, at some point what happened in that detention room would change our lives - on the outside, as well.

I was no longer 'the reader', I was the guy Riley Matthews cheated on Lucas Friar with. I was the guy that separated the Royals. I was a home wrecker.

"Well you're officially the most hated guy on the school, congrats," Zay joked.

I glared at him in response, that got him to shut up- for five minutes. And then he began a long-winded story about how this happened in a movie he saw and I tuned him out.

"Can I sit with you guys?" Riley asked shyly, tearing me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah of course."

"What happen, the rest of the royal court shun their queen because she was fraternizing with the enemy?" Zay quipped, trying to make light of the situation.

"Actually yeah, that's exactly what happened."

""Riley I'm sorry this is all my fault, I should've never-"

"Never what? I spoke to you first, I kissed you first, I said I liked you first so unless you plan on apologising for falling for me don't say sorry."

She took my hand in hers and squeezed it, I mimicked the gesture.

"Yeah, don't mind me at all. I'll just sit here. To the side. It's fine."

"Yeah okay," I mused, messing with Zay was fun.

The bell rang and I headed to class hoping that Lucas decided to skip Chemistry. Luck did not seem to be on my side that day. He was there and not only was he there, he was sitting on the seat next to mine.

'Splendid', I thought.

"Lucas..." I greeted as I took my seat, unsure of what else to say.

He gave me a mock salute and then barely acknowledged my presence for the rest of the period, unless he needed an answer for one of the activities that were given to us.

Riley spent the next break with us as well, and as I looked at her I found myself amazed that I got to kiss the human embodiment of beauty and sunshine.

She was a walking goddess, her eyes were swirls of onyx and chocolate and kindness. Her brunette tendrils were tamed into a french braid that did nothing to diminish her beauty. Her lips -well they looked like they tasted- of strawberries and warmth. And her body was probably the reason monks leave the monastery. Simply put, Riley Matthews was hot.

The bell pulled me out of my thoughts and for the first time I was dreading detention.

I knew it was never going to be the same again and the realisation of this caused a pit to form in my stomach.

A laughing, shirtless Lucas with Maya on his back was not what I expected to walk into- but I did.

Things seem to be heating up...
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- Cassidy ➶

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