Chapter 2

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The fight was stopped by the vice principal and janitor, at least that's what I was told.

I, thankfully, didn't have much explaining to do because my parents were on some business trip. The usual .

I was nursing my injuries when I got a call from Zay's mom.

Remember that cracking sound I heard? That was because Billy fractured Zay's patella. Class act hey?



"I just wanted to let you know the doctors said Zay will be okay, but his gonna have to spend some time in the hospital."

"O-okay, thanks for telling me Mrs Babineaux."

"Are your injuries getting better?"

"The swelling went down, still a bit black and blue but nothing I can't handle," I answered, my abdomen was still very much in pain but I wasn't about to complain about my problems when my best friend was in the hospital.

"Take care of yourself."

I gave my thanks to Ms Babineaux and decided to take a nap.

I woke up from the "nap" the following morning and sluggishly got done for school.

When I got there, it seemed as if something had shifted.

I couldn't place my finger on what exactly was different and decided to push those thoughts away, I had chemistry first and the thought lifted my spirits a little bit. I took a seat at my desk, usually it was accompanied by Zay and his puns but today it was desolate.

"Good morning class, we will be doing a project on capallarity and you will be working in pairs."

I groaned, working in pairs just increased the risk of not getting an A and the IQ levels of these students left much to be desired.

Mr Daniels chose our partners and I got stuck with -the totally unpredictable- Lucas Friar.

Lucas' face was not left unchanged from yesterday's fight, infact he looked worse than me with his black eye, broken lip and very bruised jaw.

"So uhm about yesterday, it was my best friend's idea and I'm really sorry for uh... getting involved when it had n-nothing to do with me."

Yes I'll admit I was afraid of Lucas 'body of a moari' Friar. Sue me.

"Are you friends with them?"

Me, Farkle, friends with Maya and Brandon? As if!

"No, I haven't even spoken to either of them actually."

"Then why'd you jump in?"

"It was on two and six, no matter what laws of math I apply to it, it's unfair."

Lucas mumbled something under his breath and we didn't interact for the rest of the period.

The rest of my classes went by in a blur, except for the last period.


I hated gym with every fibre of my being.

Because gym meant one thing, the pacer.

The pacer test was the worst thing that mankind has ever created. As someone who is familiar with every creation ever created I can assure you the previous statement is a fact.

The pacer test had simple rules, you run up and down -increasing your speed each time- until you feel like hell is situated in your lungs. Simple.

On a good day I was able to go about 6 laps, on a bad day the football players go through a minimum of 8 laps.

We all looked the same when the last person finished though, dehydrated and comatose.

We had a new teacher in today because Ms Dunningham was off on pregnancy leave. He was about 6'8 and intimidating as hell, he introduced himself as Mr Collins.

He decided that the girls and boys would not be separated and we would all do the pacer test together.

The girls let out a string of complaints but were stopped by their queen bee, Riley Matthews. "We cannot be expected to be looked at as equals if we do not want to partake as equals, if the boys can do it so can we. Anyone have a problem with that?"

Her question was met by a wave of 'no's and zero complaints. Not surprising .

Riley Matthews was extremely powerful when it came to the social hierarchy of our highschool, thankfully she was as sweet as sugar and not a power-crazed psycho.

The only girl that wasn't fawning over Riley's wisdom was Maya Hart.

She was as always, accompanied by Brandon, and they seemed ready to go.

A few minutes later Mr Collins blew his whistle.

I managed 7 laps before my chest started to pain and I collapsed onto the field. I was severely exhausted.

However, I wasn't too exhausted to see that Maya Hart was the last person running.

What the hell were her legs and lungs made of?

When she finished -with 16 laps- all of us left to the showers.

I didn't really care about being late to detention because the water really helped the pain in my abdomen die down.

When I finally arrived I walked into a Lucas vs Brandon fistfight, a sleeping Maya and a hysterical Riley.


- cassidy ➶

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