Chapter 8

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"Mom. Dad." I gave them each a nod then bolted upstairs.

My swift exit was stopped by something tugging on my collar. My mom.

"Sit down."

I sat down.


"So how was the business trip, successful? Make any new clients?" I asked trying to steer away from the subject at hand.

"Farkle Ginsbery Minkus, do not try to change the subject. Why are you in detention?"

"I got into a fight."

"You what !?" My parents yelled simultaneously.

My dad sounded shocked and disappointed whereas my mon sounded almost proud.

"How did this happen?" My dad, who recovered from the shock first, asked.

"Well a fight broke out between a few football players and two other students, and then Zay thought it was unfair and that we should help, and then I disagreed, then realised he was right and then I got a months detention and now we're here."

"Well, atleast you fought with reason. But you're still grounded."

I groaned but accepted the punishment, since Zay was admitted into hospital I had nowhere to go anyway, and went up to my room.

The following detention period Riley asked the million dollar question, one none of us - surprisingly- gave any thought.

"Why have we never had a teacher here, seeing that we don't leave or something. This is detention not a free for all."

"Two reasons, 1)Nobody wants to be the teacher responsible for Maya and I and 2) We have security cameras in the hallway so they can see if we left or not." Everybody accepted Brandon's reasoning, murmured 'hmmms' and silence ensued.

"Hey, it's Farkle right?"

"We've been in detention for almost a week, we basically had a deep conversation and you don't even know my name, Riley?"

"Sorry, I'm not good with names. But I wanted to ask for your help, if you don't mind."


"Well physics, I just don't get the vectors and forces which is weird because it's the easiest and I get everything else but I really need your help, so please say yes."

I love physics, Riley Matthews looks like a goddess, there is no universe in which I would say no.

"Yes!" I basically shouted which caused her to laugh, it was a light airy laugh that caused this warmness to spread within me.

"Thanks, Farkle." And on that day my name sounded like a song from angels, just because she had said it.

What the hell was happening to me?

The next day Brandon and Lucas weren't in detention, Brandon didn't come to school and Lucas had football practice.

So it was just me, and the girls, I wasn't complaining .

Today they looked as if they dressed aa each others counterparts.

Black and White, Bad and Good.

Maya was decked out in a black leather jacket (as always), black ripped jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. Dark and mysterious.

Riley wore an orange tank top ( which just so happened to be my favourite colour), white shorts and white sandals. Warm and angelic.

None of us spoke, until Riley started to make weird noises.

"What's up with you?" Maya asked, slightly irritated.

Riley motioned for Maya to come over and she whispered something into Maya's ear.

"Sorry, I'm out." Was all I heard.

"Oh no, what am I gonna do?"

"Is something wrong?" I enquired.

"It's that time of the month and Queen bee over here doesn't have her... equipment," Maya explained but I was lost.


"She got her periods and she doesn't have tampons," Maya deadpanned.

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