Chapter 7

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Dedicated to bugcaya who has been patiently waiting for some lucaya action .

The next day it was raining, when I say raining I mean it felt like all of the water on Earth fell from the skies that day, and as soon as I heard the rain drops I smiled.

I always felt less anxious and claustrophobic on rainy days, it seemed almost soothing.

I took the car that day, because no way was I going to be walking around with clothes drenched in water the entire day, even if the school was just a 10 minute walk away.

My day consisted of me staring outside the window every single period, either nothing the teachers said interested me or I already knew what they were teaching, so it felt like a long day.

Detention, for some reason, excited me.

Let's just say I didn't expect to walk into what I had walked into.

Maya Hart in Lucas Friar's football shirt and a pair of Yankees boxers.

The fact that everybody was acting like this was a normal occurrence made me even more confused.

Maya was doing a little dance in the corner of the room, Lucas and Riley were conversing and Brandon was drumming on his desk with pencils.

"Uh, Maya, what you wearing?"

"As you can see," she motioned to her very wet hair, "I was drenched in water and Soaring Eagle over here decided to help a gal out."

"I gave her my shirt because her clothes were wet," Lucas clarified.

Talk about growth hey?

"You like the Yankees?" I questioned.

"What are you talking ab-" Maya stopped talking and looked down.

"Oh uhm yeah, big fan, big fan," She corrected as Lucas let out a breath. Something told me that wasn't entirely true, at all.

"I still don't understand why you have to parade around in your underwear." Riley commented, obviously annoyed.

"Honey, my jeans are soaking wet and unless you want me to walk around with the booty shorts - he only thing that looked as if it could remotely fit me- in the lost and found and give your boyfriend a boner I suggest you suck it up."

At this Brandon let out a breathy laugh, I couldn't help but laugh myself.

Riley shot us daggers.

"What happened to not being rude?" Riley complained.

"Well you were kinda being bitchy first," Lucas blurted and judging from his facial expression that wasn't supposed to be said out loud.

Maya smirked.

"So you're taking her side?"

"So how about those elections?" I blurted, really wanting to avoid another unnecessary argument.

Surprisingly everybody joined in and soon the argument became a huge heated rant about how Bernie should be the next president and how much of a turd Trump is.

Riley, especially, got into this even bashing Hillary for being a fake.

Before we knew it the bell rang and everyone seemed almost upset that time had gone by so fast.

I offered to give Maya a lift home since it was still pouring and she didn't want to ride a motorbike (Brandon's) in boxers.

The car ride was filled with someone by the name of Sabrina Carpenter and Maya belting the lyrics to one of her songs.

"This one's named Why, what d'ya think?"
"Good song, good song."

She immediately caught on to what I was doing and shyly looked down.

"Those aren't really your boxers, are they?"

"You already know the answer to that."

"Okay so why are you wearing Lucas Friar's boxers and why were you lying about it?"

"It was really either that or the booty shorts and I ain't about the booty shorts life and I was lying because he asked that I not tell Riley."

"And you listened?" I asked, shocked.

"The guy helped me get out of very very wet clothes that would've made me both uncomfortable and sick, I'm not a half-bad person so yes I agreed."

"Mmhmm, that's why."

"Here," she informed me and I pulled into the apartment's driveway.

"Thanks Minkus." She gave me a mock salute and I was off.

I came home ready to order myself the biggest pizza from Domino's when I heard someone clearing their throat.

"Care to explain why you have a month's detention and a purple eye?"

Oh no .

NOTE THIS WAS WRITTEN BEFORE DONALD TRUMP BECAME PRESIDENT OF THE USA . ( The original song by Sabrina was smoke and fire but I changed it to Why because, Why not ? )

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Cassidy ➶

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