Chapter 9

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"Maya!" Riley shouted, obviously embarrassed.

When I finally registered Maya's words I felt my face heat up, I didn't know what to do in a situation like that.


"Maybe the school nurse has?" Maya offered and left, to go look I presumed.

She came back empty-handed, "Sorry, she left already."

Riley looked really upset and really mortified.

"I got it! The bookworm can go buy some."

I immediately dropped the book I'd been reading and glared at Maya.

"Why do I have to go?"

"Well I can't go because 1) no car and 2) the principle would never believe my story and I don't really think Riley wants to walk around with a red stain on her shorts. So it has to be you."


And that's all it took one little please from Riley Matthews and I was on my way to the drug store.

I needed to get a grip.

As soon as I entered I pulled my hoodie over my head, I did not need to be seen carrying a box of tampons.

I went over to the section and immediately felt overwhelmed, there were probably over 100 different kinds and I'd never shopped before, nevertheless for freaking tampons.

Luckily a few minutes later I got a text from Riley with the exact type and brand name.

Only when I reached the counter did I realise that a pack was $10, each.
I asked the clerk if it was the right price and she answered yes with a dejected sigh.

"You guys pay $10 every month for something you can't even control?!?" I yelled as I stormed into the detention room.

"Yeah man."

I gave Riley the box and she took it, thanked me and ran to the bathroom.

When she came back I gave her my hoodie to cover the mess and for the first time, I saw a shy Riley Matthews. She pushed a strand of het hair back, whispered a 'thank you' and pulled me into a hug.

She smelled of strawberries and cinnamon.

"You guys do know you're being robbed right?"

"Oh, you don't even know the half it."

"What do you mean?"

"So much more, like an underwear set costs $40 ." Riley told me.

"Wait, for one set?"

"Yep and majority of women's jeans? No pockets. You know why?"

I shook my head.

"So that they can sell us purses and handbags." Maya informed me.

"And you know Bic?"

"The stationary brand?"

"Mmhmm, they just released a new line of pens. It's exactly the same as their normal pens except it's pink and because of that it's 'made for women' and because of that it's more expensive."

I stared at Riley, dumbfounded.

"I'm so sorry," was all I could muster.

"Don't be, you're not the ones ripping us off."

I looked at Maya, she only had her mom and her mom worked at a diner, they certainly didn't need those extra costs.

"I'll pay."

"What?" They asked in sync.

"From now on, anything you guys need during that time, tampons, chocolate, movies whatever. I'll pay. I'm loaded, and the fact that you guys have to pay for something you have no control over is borderline psychotic, so I'll pay."

"Farkle it's okay, really."

"No it's not, I insist. I don't have to worry about those things and you guys are my friends and I want to help."

"Friends? Since when?" Maya mocked.

"Since, now," Riley answered.

Some riarkle and farkle discovering the patriarchy for you guys .
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- Cassidy ➶

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