The invitation

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"Good morning mom" i greeted mom.

"Good morning Rania... did you slept well last night???" Mom asked again with her concerned mode on.

"Yes mom .." i replied with a pissed look

"Hey ...." Ahana said to me.

"Hi Ahana." I replied.

"Good morning dad.." i said with a grin

"Good morning baby .." dad replied while reading his soccer headlines.

"Whats this?" i asked mom.

There was a wedding invitation card on the dinning table.

"Its a wedding invitation cant you see ..."mom replied.

"Yeah... i can see that mom... its a wedding invitaion of Shania and Rehan ...ohhh shania is getting married". I asked mom .... surprised by what u just seen.

"Yep she is.. everyone is getting married baby except you." Mom replied.

"Ohhh... mom not again ..." i replied and closed my eyes in exasperation.

"So are we going????" Ahana asked mom with excitement.

"Afcourse we are.. they invited us oll and they are good people... i cant miss shania wedding..  so we oll are going ... maybe there we will find a good looking guy for my Rania..." mom replied with a full tooth grin.

"What.... no....." i replied olmost spitting my juice on the table.

"Behave ...." dad scolded me.

"Sorry dad... mom i wanted to talk about this matter .. am ready for marriage ..." i said to mom.

"What .... whaooo baby ... am so glad... o my God... i cant tell you how happy i am baby .. you just dont worry now sweat heart . We will find the world best guy for you ... ohhh baby am so happy -" mom was again in her wonder world but she needs to hear the full story so i cut her off.

"Mom mom mom let me complete first. Yes i am ready to marry but there are some terms and condition" i said looking at mom.

"What?" mom replied with a weard blank look.

"Yes! I mean i am going to be very straight i want a good looking guy and i want him to allow me to work and i am  not going to marry him until i complete my masters plus i dont want a huge age gap between us so the boy should be of my age ... yeah... thts it i think ..."I replied her.

"Okay!" Mom said very casually like i asked her to buy me a chocolate afcrse what i said now doesnt deserve an okay in rply.

And i was shocked by her okay

Ahana and dad were still looking at mom expecting her to say something but she didnt said anything .... this is not like my mom ... i am sure there is something going on in my mom's skull ... i really hope its not be that bad ...

So we are going to the marriage. My sister is too exited for that and dad is busy in booking tickets for us mom is arranging gifts and oll stuffs for this marriage and am thinking of him yes him my ex i really hope we were together ..

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