Motorcycle - part 2

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The two weekends passed, Rob and Kristen both got their licenses. They decided that it would be fun to go out and celebrate by taking the bike out to dinner and enjoying each others company for their newfound activity. They laid around on the couch most of the week with both of them being off from movies and played on the computer ,trying to find the perfect restaurant for them to go to. They wanted it to be something that they could ride the bike too ,that wasn't going to be too far but enough for them to enjoy it. Once they picked a restaurant they decided they should probably go get some gear and head to the local shopping complex. They had the basics helmets and gloves but they figured they need stuff like jackets, chaps, boots and things of that nature, they pick a few things and head to another store. Rob seems to be interested in something in a new store when Kristen looks across the mall and sees a store with a beautiful dress in the front window. She told Rob "hey baby I'll be right back I want to go look at this dress." He nods his head saying that he heard her and she heads over to the store across the mall. She never seen this store before it must've brand-new. Kristen was looking for something that wasn't over-the-top for them to wear to dinner but something nice and was a little bit longer for when she was straddling over the bike. She goes to the lady at the counter and tells her that she wants to see the black dress it's in the window. The woman has no idea who she is and tells her " those are very expensive dresses " but she gets it to let her see it. The lady asked her if she wants to try it on and she of course obliges, she slips on the sexy black sequins dress and it fits like a glove , no need for another size was dress fit so perfect. She changes back intoher clothes and heads back out to the lady to let her know that she's going to get the dress. The woman tells Kristin the dress was made by up-and-coming Egyptian designer , and is really making a big scene in the fashion world. Kristen pulls out her black card and swipes away for her up-and-coming Egyptian designer dress to wear for her perfect evening with her husband. She meets back up with Rob at the other store and they head home. They had to stop at a few other small places before they got home, but shortly after arrived they both showered to get ready for dinner. Kristen jumps in first , she takes the longest leaving Rob to jump in after her. Nearly visibly excited, she slides and to her favorite lingerie and tops it with the beautiful up-and-coming Egyptian designer dress. She slides her feet into her favorite black pumps, of course they match to the tee. Rob dresses quickly as usual and finds himself a suit and makes a quick decision on a tie. He checks up on Kristen, his jaw nearly drops when he sees Kristen in her sequins black sexy dress. She returned the favor by looking him over in a sweep and practically doing him with her eyes. They collect themselves to head downstairs to head to dinner. They get on the bike after they don their helmets and jackets, they speed down the driveway and out on their conquest towards dinner. They pull up to the beautiful restaurant, they picked a place that had a beautiful garden that they could sit and eat outside at. They get a private table for two and a little garden area surrounded by red roses. The night starts to fall and they bring out a silk tent to sit overtop the table, with all the red wine and the candlelit dinner, they didn't think the night could get any better. They drink a little too much and have to call one of their buddies to come get them, he tells Cj to first go to the house and get the old truck so they can pick up the motorcycle. "It's far too new to leave here" Rob says to Kristen. She agrees and they enjoy desert and exchanging kisses till there friends come get them. Cj comes a little while later to take the tipsy couple home. They stumble into the house barely making it anywhere close to the bedroom. Kristen takes Rob's hand and has him help her zipper down the back of her dress. He grabs a handful of the material and helps it drop to her feet before he throws it. This is the first night in a while that it wasn't programmed sex with ovulation calendars, apps and doctors orders they just made love. Rob likes to say it's that night that Kristen finally got pregnant, only because he wanted to tell everybody the romantic story of the perfect night that they had because they got their motorcycle, and that perfect night of relaxation helped Kristin conceive. 

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