Beautiful Mum

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Rob is at home with their baby girl while Kristen is walking the dogs. She feels her phone vibrate in her pocket and pulls it out to see a message from Rob:

'Cuddling with my princess on the couch while waiting for her beautiful mum to get her. What'cha doing, mate?'

She smiles even though she knows he meant to send that text to Tom.

When she's walked through the gate of their property, she lets the dogs run in the garden.
As she walks through the door to their house, Rob grabs her by her waist and crashes his lips against hers.

"What about-" she begins, but Rob cuts her off.

"Don't worry, she's sleeping." He assures her.

She moans and welcomes him by opening her mouth.
He unbuttons her shirt and they continue making out, until they can't take it anymore and moves inside their bedroom.

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