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Tom has been receiving texts about his friend Rob's female co-star since the day Rob went to the first audition with her - and it was getting crazy. Tom can receive a text about Rob's colleague who, according to the texts, is named Kristen Stewart, at any time of the day, on any day and it was most likely several times a day. The messages can be anything from 'I'm in love with her', 'she didn't leave right after we'd rehearsed lines last night' and 'our scene went so well today - God she's so talented' to 'I wanna drag her into my trailer and just fuck her up against my door', 'I'm seriously considering telling her that it either has to be me or him' and 'why doesn't she like me the way I like her?', but one day Tom receives a different text from his heart broken friend:

'Do you think there's any chance you can visit the set in this week?'

Tom quickly finds a good date to go, and a week later he's sitting in the plane on his way to Portland, hoping that he'll finally get answers about this Kristen.

When Tom arrives on the set of Twilight in Portland, he stands where Rob has told him to do when he'd arrive. Nearly 20 minutes pass before he's finally met by the sight of his best friend AND his major crush walking out of the same trailer.

"Hey mate! Sorry it took so long, we were... rehearsing lines," Rob explains apologetically while looking down in the eyes of the girl beside him.

Tom notices Rob's hesitation but he thinks it's just because Rob's still lost in the alone time he just had with the girl of his dreams.

"So..." Tom interrupts when his friend and his female co-worker has been starring into one another's eyes for a little too long.

"Sorry," Rob mumbles under his breath.

"Uhm, Tom this is Kristen, my, uhm... colleague... I guess. And Kris this is my mate, Tom," Rob tells the two people.

"Yeah I know who she is," Tom says so low that only he can hear.

"Eh hi," he greets the brunette in from of him while shaking her hand.

"Hi. Nice to meet you. Rob's been telling so much about you," Kristen replies Rob's friend politely.

"Oh really? Rob haven't really been quiet about you either," Tom points out, making Kristen blush. Expecting that Rob would've thrown daggers at him, he's surprised when his friend is just looking loving and adoring at the girl he clearly has a huge crush on.

Once again, Tom has to get back Rob's attention since he's lost in the sight of this Kristen - again.

"Anyway, Kris has told me about this really nice restaurant not so far away from here, which I think we all thr- you don't mind if she joins us, right?" Rob offers as soon as Tom has cleared his throat.

"Sure, why not?" Tom smiles and winks at his friend when Kristen says 'see you later' and kisses Rob on the cheek.

"Damn, she's great. I really hope you'll pull yourself together and ask her out or som-" Tom begins as soon as Rob's co-star has left, but interrupts himself since Rob actually is throwing daggers at him this time.

"You've asked her out plenty of times, haven't you?" Tom asks, Rob nods.

"She said no all the times... 'cause she has a boyfriend." It wasn't a question, Tom just spoke of the things as he know they are.

Rob nods again, but slower this time.

"Dude, I'm so sorry," was all Tom could tell his friend right now.

When Tom arrives at the restaurant they're supposed to eat at, he's once again waiting for Rob and Kristen to appear. This time 30 minutes pass before the co-stars arrive - both in Rob's car.

"I'm so sorry we're late again!" this time Rob hadn't an excuse.

"It's okay," Tom assures them, before sitting down by the table they've reserved, making sure Rob and Kristen are able to sit next to one another.

"So Kristen, do you have a boyfriend?" Tom asks when the waiter that has taken their orders has left the table.

"Excuse me?" Kristen replies confused of Tom's sudden question.

"Uh, I'm not hitting on you, I swear! I was just wonde- Rob though, Rob's a great guy, you should totally-"

"You can shut up now," Rob interrupts the word vomiting, panicking Tom sitting in front of him.

"Kris, you really don't have to answer the ques-" Rob assures her but is cut off by Kristen.

"Uhm... yeah. I do have a boyfriend. At least I'm pretty sure, I do. No, I have a boyfriend. He's always been there for me, he always will." Kristen replies Tom's question simply and suddenly Rob is looking warmly but disbelieving at her.

"Huh?" Tom mumbles completely taken off guard by Rob's reaction - Tom had expected him to look sad down in his lap, or excuse himself to the restroom to avoid getting hurt or something along those lines, but now he was just looking even more in love at the girl.

Tom's starving and has immediately forgotten his thoughts when their food is set in front of them.

"Actually, I just got a girlfriend as well. She-" Rob announces but doesn't have time to finish his sentence before Tom's gaze flies from his plate to Rob's face.

"You what!?" Tom exclaims nearly choking on the food in his mouth. When he realises that was a pretty weird reaction, he looks down at his plate again before he starts speaking.

"I mean, that's good for you. I remember you had this huge crush on a girl, who you kept texting me about, day and night, but I'm glad that you've moved- WHOA!" Tom looks up from his meal and drops his jaw when he's met by the sight of Rob and Kristen kissing each other quite passionately in front of him.

"Guys, don't you think... THAT" - Tom makes a gesture with his hand in their direction - "is kinda inappropriate when you've both got boyfriends and girlfrie- wait a second..." Everything is suddenly making sense in Tom's little confused mind.

"Actually, that crush of mine you were talking about... she's my girlfriend," Rob tells Tom with a smirk when he and his said girlfriend has pulled away from their kiss.

"So when you said, you were late because you had been rehearsing lines, when I first came to meet you, you had actually been... Oh lord, help me," Rob and Kristen are only getting even more amused as Tom is speaking.

"No! We've only been together for a week - we're only kissing, nothing more than that... yet," Kristen defends them and sends Rob a well known smirk.

"'Yet'? Oh for God's sake. Rob, I'll sleep alone in your trailer tonight, then you can sleep - or whatever you guys are planning on doing - in Kristen's." Sounding slightly annoyed, Tom starts eating again when he thinks further about their afternoon.

"But when Kristen had left and we were talking about her boyfriend and how many times you'd asked her out, you were... unhappy..." Tom is now looking even more confused.

"First, I'm an actor. Second, I was about to burst out laughing in that moment." Rob explains and Kristen giggles.

"And when you assured Kristen that she didn't have to answer my question about her boyfriend, it was because you weren't quite sure that she considered you as her boyfriend yet. Everything makes sense now. " Tom thinks out loud, suddenly getting anything that has happened around him the last week.

"You're done, Sherlock? Or will I have to spend more minutes without my girlfriend?" He asks Tom.

"She's right beside you, you know? If you- oh that's cool. Just start making out right in front of me, I don't mind." Tom says sarcastically.

Now it's been nearly six years since Tom visited Rob and Kristen in Portland, and he still receives texts from Rob about Kristen.

And like he did back then, he gets one different from the others one day:

'Kristen's pregnant'

Tom smiles and looks at his 1 year old daughter playing on the floor, before he dials his mate's number and puts the phone to his ear.

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