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Kristen and Rob are enjoying a night in, lounging around, watching movies and eating junk food.
Kristen has recently gone to the doctor who said that the baby could come any time now, so taking it easy would be the best thing to do. They decide that they want some Chinese for dinner so Kristen gets up and waddles to the kitchen. Rob stays in the living room patiently waiting for the mother of his child to return with the menu, when he hears Kristen shriek a terrible noise. Rob jumps to his feet and bolts to the kitchen. He finds Kristen standing there with her finger in her mouth. He looks at her confused. "Are you okay?" Rob asks worriedly.
"Yea I cut my finger on the menu, it really hurt."
"Oh god you scared me; I thought it was the baby," says Rob. Kristen replies cutely, "no, not yet, but he is hungry!"
Rob finally relaxes, his nerves already on high alert.
The Chinese food arrives and they enjoy their meal together. Rob feeds Kristen small pieces from his - he read somewhere that spicy food can sometimes speed up the water breaking process and that's what he had in mind when ordering his dinner tonight. He knows Kristen is over her pregnancy and is getting very annoyed with being uncomfortable and not sleeping all the time, he decides to test theory. Kristen enjoys his more than hers so naturally he let her have it. Rob gets up to go let the dogs outside, Kristen stays in the living room, munching away. Rob gets outside with the dogs and getting caught up when he hears yet again another horrible Kristen shriek. The dogs even perk their ears up. This is it, the baby has to be coming. Rob runs inside to see Kristen bent over trying to look at her toe that she just stubbed walking her trash into the kitchen. Rob comes in, "oh my god my love, are you okay, is it the baby?"
Kristen replies, "no I just stubbed my fucking toe and my belly is in the way and I can't see it." Rob relieves again, she's okay. He walks over and looks at her toe for her. He sees nothing wrong and assures her she will be fine. She shrugs it off and keeps going. Kristen asks, "are you going back out with the dogs?"
Rob replies, "yea, would you like to come?"
"Yes I feel like a planet, I should walk it off."
They go outside and the dogs greet them. Cole runs straight at Kristen and through her legs. She tries to grab Cole to play with her and the strain and excitement is too much. This time it is happening. Kristen grabs at her stomach, but this time no shriek. Rob continues on playing with Bear and Bernie till he hears a tiny familiar cry. Rob spins around and sees Kristen's hands on her stomach standing in her broken water looking like the saddest most confused and about to be angry woman on the planet. He grabs her and wrangles up the dogs and gets everyone in the house. Being the crazy dad-to-be he has the hospital bag all packed and ready to go for when this happened. He gets Kristen into the car. "Oh my fucking god, they didn't say how much this was going to fucking hurt did they!?" Kristen hisses. Rob starts trying to get her to breathe, "remember our classes, baby breathe, baby breathe." She starts to calm down and starts breathing like Rob, trying to relax and stay focused. A contraction hits and Kristen screams grabbing Rob's thigh. "Oh my god, Rob, it's like he's trying to stretched insideeeee, fucccckkk this is so fucking ahhhhhhhhh!" Rob pulls out of the driveway like a bat out hell and slams the pedal to the floor.
"Ok baby we just have to make it to UCLA hospital okay?!"
Kristen looks at Rob with the look of total distress
"If you don't get me to a mother fuckkkking hospital, I'm gonna have this baby in this fucking car."
Rob continues to drive full speed to their destination. They pull up to the hospital and Rob runs straight over to Kristen's door and the nurses meet her with a wheelchair. She sits down and they wheel her in. Rob grabs the bags out of the cars and frantically tracks down Kristen and his very much on his way son. They get into the room and the process happens so fast Rob's head is spinning. They had all these machines and light and beeping hooked up to his woman and her belly, keeping tabs on everything. The doctor comes in and they start Kristen's delivery. Rob stands with Kristen holding her hand and talking to her. Keeping her motivated to push and trying to get her to stay calm. "Get this baby the fuck out of meee!" Kristen screams as she's passing their baby through her hips. Rob tells her, "baby, you're doing so wonderful, just push..."
Kristen grabs him, "you did this to me," she says writhing in pain. So finally Rob tells Kristen, "c'mon baby, push one more time, he's almost here, just push". Kristen pushes with everything she has and the baby is finally out. She hears her baby's cry and it brings her to tears. The doctors routinely check the mother to make sure everything during the delivery was okay, as Rob whispers sweet nothing's to Kristen thinking that it was all over they made it through together. The doctor says I don't know how I missed this Mr and Mrs Pattinson, but be prepared Kristen - you're about to have another contraction. Kristen shouts, "what?"
Seconds later - "ahhhhhhhh! What's happening?!"
"This happens very rarely but it's twins. You need to push Kristen, we're losing time. We need to get the other baby out!" the doctor explains.
Rob's eyes get big as moons.
"'The other baby'? Like two babies!? We didn't plan for two babies, Kristen, we're having twins!"
Kristen looks at Rob grabbing his shirts screaming and pushing. "Why did nobody fucking see I was having," - she exhales - "two fucking babies!?"
Rob grabs Kristen's hands, "c'mon baby, one more push!"
Eventually Kristen screams and pushes that final baby through her hips. Another wave of emotion hits Kristen as she hears her second baby cry.
Rob looks at Kristen with the most adoring look, like the blind man seeing the sun for the first time. He cups her face and says, "going to that 'Twilight' audition was the best decision I've ever made, if I never would have came, my life would never be as perfect as it is right now and you gave that to me. I love you Kristen Jaymes Pattinson." Kristen smiles with tears in her eyes and says, "oh my god, baby I love you too, so much!"
The doctor clears his throat not wanting to interrupt but says, "are you ready to meet your babies?"
Two nurses come in with two sleepy, cleaned, wrapped up infants. "Congratulations you had...
A handsome baby boy and a beautiful baby girl."
Rob hands their son to Kristen; she lays him on her chest and starts talking to him. Rob is doing the same thing, talking and rocking his precious princess. Right before everyone leaves to give the little family some privacy, the nurse says, "they both have green eyes, that's a very rare find. I've been delivering babies for almost 20 years and I've never seen twins both with green eyes, you must be very lucky people."
Rob looks over at his exhausted sleeping wife, still smiling and holding their baby. He says to the nurse, "I am very lucky, I don't know where I'd be without her."
Rob watches the nurse leave, and lays down his sleeping daughter. He goes over to Kristen and picks up his sleepy prince. Kristen's hand searches while she slept, looking for the missing baby, but eventually stops after Rob kisses her forehead. He lets her sleep while he rocks baby number two to sleep. Nurses came in and out all night to check on the little family. When morning comes, the lead maturity nurse comes in to check on Kristen, only to find everyone in Kristen's bed, including Rob curled in with both babies.
She decides she'll come back later, just to let them be.

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