[1] welcome to beacon hills

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"Welcome to Beacon Hills"

The sign read as I drove past it. Humming along to the faint music playing on my car, I suddenly felt drawn and attracted at the small town. After witnessing the death of my own sister at my bestfriend's brother's hands and watching my friend get drained of her blood by one of the oldest and deadliest vampires in the history, I decided to pack up my things and leave the town that has brought nothing but grief, sadness, and darkness into my life.

Driving wherever the wind takes me, I found myself pulling over beside a nice looking apartment. "I guess this is it."I thought.

After compelling myself an apartment and getting settled, I drove towards the local hospital to get myself enough bloodbags I need. I parked my car beside an old looking blue jeep, surprised that those still exist. I shook away the thought and entered the hospital. I approached the woman on the desk who smiled at me.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Hello. I want to know where you keep your bloodbags." My pupils start to dilate as the woman started to give me directions. As soon as she finished giving me directions, I smiled at her then compelled her again.

"Forget my face and go back to your job. Thank you Nurse.." I trailed on, looking for a name in her uniform.

"McCall. Nurse McCall." I smiled and walked away, following the directions the kind nurse gave to me.

Once I finally found the room, I grabbed enough bloodbags that I can get my hands on and left the room, compelling anyone that saw me. I walked passed the waiting room and can't help but notice a boy with a buzz cut hairstyle laid across the chairs, snoring rather loudly. I stifled a laugh and continue walking towards the exit. I opened my car and started driving towards my new apartment.

Once I arrived back to my place, I opened the door to my apartment and put the bloodbags on the fridge and finally get relaxed. Smiling to myself, I thought how good it is to finally escape supernatural drama, how I finally settled in a normal town and pretending to be normal for once without anyone being aware of supernatural creatures.

As I was sipping on my bloodbag, I started to wonder what normal people do and that's when an idea popped into my head.

Going to school.

Seeing that's what Stefan did when he returned to Mystic Falls and pretend to be normal, just like what I am doing at this moment. Well, I do look like I'm atleast 16 or 17 years old so I think I'll pass as a high school student.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise like someone's screaming very loud. I looked outside the window, searching for the person that was screaming when suddenly it stopped. I looked around and saw just a few people passing by. Thinking that it was probably an imagination or just a neighbor being annoying, I threw away the bloodbag and got ready to go to sleep.

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