"Miss Collins," the middle aged woman who could have stepped in for the pillsbury doughboy, rested a hand on her hip and glared. "Get on with it please and quit the squealing."

Jess nodded and carried on mixing the last of her stuffing. Amy was already pushing her stuffing back into her hollowed out potato. Both of them watched me with expectant stares.

"Come on," Jess demanded. "Give us some details. Please."

I gave them both a knowing grin and sighed. I sort of loved this part of a new fling or relationship or whatever. Plus, who didn't love boasting about a good smash. So I delved into the recount of events while Jess stuffed the potatoes and hung on every word.

"So what does this mean?" She asked, sliding the tray into the oven. "Is it exclusive? Was it just a one time thing?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. "I sure hope that it wasn't a one time thing. But as for exclusivity, I have no idea. I told him that I couldn't commit right now. But I guess I'd see where things went."

"I think that's a good idea," Amy rested her elbows on the countertop and put a fist under her chin. "Just let it develop. Naturally. It might not feel as scary as jumping in with both feet. He seems really nice. From what I met on the beach last weekend."

"He is super nice," I nodded. Even I could feel the grin forming on my face. I probably looked so pathetic. "Nice, mature, an amazing brother, dedicated to his studies, his body," I groaned. "Sex on legs. And he sure knows his way around the sheets. That's for sure."

Jess wrinkled up her nose and frowned. "And here you are, not snatching him up, because?"

"Because I'm a coward."

"You wait too long and someone else will get him," Amy added. "But what's wrong with him? Like, he sounds too perfect and I think we all know that every man has at least a couple of flaws."

"A couple? That's if you're lucky," I laughed.

"Exactly," Jess pulled the oven door open and peeled inside to check on our potatoes. The sprinkled cheese on top was grilling. "Like Bray is funny and so hot and the sex is amazing but he's not the most romantic guy out there. He can be kind of emotionally distant sometimes and he has a lot of friends."

I was tempted to tell her that Bray was just average in the sack. Because now that I'd had Heath, he seemed so dull in comparison. But I kept tight lipped on that matter.

"What's wrong with having a lot of friends?" I asked.

"Nothing," she shook her head. "It can just be like hard when we're out and everyone wants to talk to him and there are girls all over him. Ya know he's like the football captain. So it happens. But it's hard sometimes."

"Yeah I get that," Amy nodded, pointing at her. "I know that it sounds really insecure. But I hate how many girls come up to Ethan and talk to him and blatantly flirt with him right in front of me."

I laughed. I couldn't blame them I supposed. I'd been the same with Fleur on the beach last weekend. And all she'd done was look at Heath. "That's just part of dating a hottie I suppose. You can't blame them for that though. Ya know. Like Amy, you have to loosen up a bit and let Ethan go out once in a while. He'll end up resenting you if you cut him off from his friends."

Her face fell and she bit the inside of her cheek. "I like, want to be chill about it. But I just actually can't help it when he goes out. I get all anxious and frustrated. I don't know why. It's like, I know how different we are and sometimes I worry that he'll realise that he wants to be with someone that he has more in common with."

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