Chapter 7: Chocolate Croissants & Victoria's Secrets

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Harry is half-hearted in his attention this time and admittedly so am I until he demonstrates how to use the oxygen mask.

I'd probably pull on the damn thing so hard I'd knock myself out with it.

Then the instructional voice starts talking about exiting the plane in an emergency.

Sorry but I'm not leaving my phone behind.

My phone needs me as much as I need it.

I don't care if I'm going down in the ocean, it's coming with me.

I'll just hold it afloat.

I lean forward and plant my elbow onto the armrest before resting my chin on my hand.

I'd hate to have to crash land in the ocean.

Not that I'd want to crash on dry land either.

I'd prefer not to crash at all but water terrifies me.

Like that woman caught up in that tsunami that had to choose between two of her children and she gave one to another stranger to save and miraculously he survived.

How could you choose between your children?

Glory be.

But it's not so much water that terrifies me, it's what's in it.


I'd die of shock before it had a chance to even bite me.

I saw Jaws when I was way too young and it left me extremely traumatised.

So maybe we need to crash on dry land.

Seems the only logical choice.

"Beth?" Harry says my name and I look at him and see a deep frown on his face.

"Yes?" I ask, realising that Marcus has finished and we're in the midst of lifting off into the air.

"What were you thinking about?" he asks with an amount of hesitancy in his voice.

"Don't make me go in the water Harry, well only knee deep," I blurt out, "but no further cause there's a shark out there with my name on it and as soon as I go in it's gonna know I'm there and it's gonna come and eat me!"

Harry just stares impassively, not saying anything.

"You were thinking of sharks?" he asks me slowly.

"Well I was tossing up whether I wanted the plane to crash on land or water," I explain, "I chose land."

"You want us to crash?" he asks.

"Well no," I reply, "but if we have to...I sound like such an idiot..." I trail off.

"But that's all you were thinking about just then?" he says.

"Pretty much," I shrug, "oh and just that even though we're not allowed to bring any belongings if we did crash that I'd still bring my phone."

He beams at me just when I think he's going to move to another seat.

"I love you," he says, smiling, "just...I love you," he shakes his head.

"I lo-" I start.

"Can I bring you any refreshments at all?" a voice interrupts me.

"We're fine for-" Harry starts to answer but I put my hand on his arm.

"Actually, I'm a little bit hungry..." I reply, "what do you have?"

Marcus starts listing off the menu when I suddenly let out a noise.

"Oh!" I exclaim, "I'd love a chocolate croissant please!" I point down to where the kids are, "and I know they would love one too if it's not too much trouble?"

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