Faking It (Jyrus)

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Description: Cyrus and Jonah are incredibly close friends. In fact, they're at the point where Jonah decides to play a prank on his friend.


It's April 1st. A time for pranks and japes. Jonah stared at his phone and smiled as he pressed send. The message he had made was read over about 3 times, making sure that his April Fool's prank went perfectly.


Cyrus... I've been thinking about this for a long time now. You make me really happy, and I want to be your boyfriend.


He waited for a few moments until he heard his phone beeped. He jumped to his bed and read the message.


Uhh, Jonah. Are you serious? This is really sudden.

I've never been more serious in my life. I have a huge crush on you.

I have to think about it. I'm not sure how I feel about this.


Jonah burst out in laughter. He couldn't wait to tell Cyrus the next day. He wrapped his blanket around him and fell asleep.


Jonah rushed into the school, wearing one of the biggest grins on his face. He found Cyrus sitting next to the fountain, and sat next to him. "Heeeeey, Cyrus." he said in a flirty manner.

Cyrus made a small chuckle. "Hi, Jonah. So, about that message you sent me yesterday."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"My answer is yes. I'll go out with you."

Jonah had to force a smile. "Wow... really?"

"Yeah. I've always had a crush on you. But, I guess I was too nervous to ask you out."

Jonah looked at Cyrus. A glimmer of happiness was shining in his eyes. He couldn't tell him the truth. Not yet.

"Great. I'll talk to you later, then."

He rushed over to Andi and Buffy. "Guys, I have to tell you something."

"We know." Andi said. "Cyrus came to us earlier and told us you two are dating."

"That's the thing. I was pranking him. I didn't think he actually liked me!"

Buffy chuckled. "You didn't? Bro! It was obvious."

"It was?"

"Yes! Cyrus always talked about you, he always hung out with you. And we saw his texts. A kissing emoji isn't something you text to a friend."

"What do I tell him?"

Andi shrugged. "The truth, maybe? Cyrus will understand."

-----2 Weeks Later-----

Jonah still hasn't told Cyrus the truth, and this was starting to annoy the two girls.

"Jonah," Andi said, "If you're going to tell Cyrus, then do it already?"

"What if I don't want to?" Jonah said. "What if... What if I'm fine with this? Cyrus is happy for once. I don't want to take that away from him."

Buffy wasn't convinced. "You know, Cyrus doesn't seem to be the only one who looks happy?"

Jonah scoffed. "Meaning?"

"You like Cyrus for real, don't you?"

"What? No! I just... I have to go now. Cyrus is expecting me soon."


Cyrus patiently waited in the field. The flowers colored the green plains, as the wind swayed them back and forth.

Jonah dropped his bag next to Cyrus. "Hey, Cy." he said excitedly. Cyrus wrapped his arms around Jonah.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet up. I have a question to ask you."

Jonah looked concerned. "What is it?"

Cyrus's smile started to fade. "You don't actually like me, do you? Were you just faking it."

The brunette made a small smile, and put his hand on Cyrus's. "I haven't been faking anything."


Inspired off of my personal experience. Gotta say, that part of my life was very enlightening.

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