Chapter 1

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"Mr Walsh, do you think it's possible that I can retake the test?" Louis asked his maths teacher, Mr Walsh.

"No, I'm sorry Louis but if I let you retake the test because of a bad grade, I have to let everyone retake the test. Besides, the bad grade should encourage you to study more." Mr Walsh said while he packed up his papers.

"But I know I can do better!" Louis screeched.

"Me too. How about you confirm both our assumptions by passing your next maths test, yeah?" Mr Walsh said before walking out the room. Louis sighed before leaving the room as well.

Louis walked to his locker and scowled at the big 'F' on his test. Louis shoved his test in his locker before slamming his locker shut.

"What's wrong, Tomlinson?" A voice asked from behind Louis, mocking concern.

Louis slowly turned around, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to.

No other then Harry Styles. Aka, his arch nemesis.

Harry had so many tattoos and piercings, it should be illegal. He was also wearing black, like usual. Louis hates black. The color's so sad and boring. Two feelings Louis hates.

"Leave me alone, Styles." Louis snapped and Harry snorted.

"Is the little fag getting upset? Are you gonna cry like the little baby you are?" Harry spat. Louis was also openly gay and Harry was homophobic. Louis was bullied verbally, but not physically, by Harry and his mates.

Louis rolled his eyes and walked past Harry. But Harry was fast and grabbed Louis' arm and slammed him into the lockers.

"You never answered my question, queer." Harry snarled.

"I'm fine." Louis said through gritted teeth.

"Can you say it a little nicer for me?" Harry said with a smirk. Louis glared at the punk boy before snatching his arm from Harry's grip and hardening his glare.

Louis flipped Harry the birdie before walking into the canteen. He grabbed his lunch before sitting at his table.

Louis sat next to his best friend, Liam Payne, "Hey guys." Louis said after he had sat down. Louis got some 'hey's back.

"Why are you late?" Ed asked.

"I ran into Styles." Louis grumbled. His friends gasped at him.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Eleanor asked worriedly. Louis shook his head and his friends sighed in relief.

"What happened?" Danielle asked.

"The usual." Louis shrugged. He looked up and immediately met Harry's eyes. Harry smirked at Louis whilst Louis glared at him.

On the other side of the room, Harry was talking to his friends; Cher, Nick, Perrie and his best friend Zayn. Also, for the time being, Niall was there.

That's the unique thing about Niall, he was the only person not in a specific clique. He was friends with everybody, though he usually only ate lunch at the two popular tables. Today he was sitting with the Muskrats, tomorrow the Bobcats.

"So, I was thinking about throwing this party on Saturday," Nick said. Everyone smirked at him.

"House party? I'm up for it," Zayn said.

"Agree. How many girls?" Harry asked, taking a bite from the piece of meat the school likes to call 'hamburger' meat.

Nick snorted, "How many do you think Styles?"

Harry was about to answer, but Cher beat him to it, "Um... can we not talk about girls while I'm here? And while I'm trying to eat."

"What? Worried about going lesbo on us?" Harry teased.

"Ew no," Cher said, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

"That's disgusting," Nick agreed.

"It's not that bad," Niall said with a shrug. Nick glared at Niall.

"How!? The fags deserve to rot in hell!" Nick exclaimed.

"Not really. If they were your friend, you really wouldn't want them to rot in hell," Niall shrugged.

"Why would I be friends with a queer?" Nick snorted.

"To get girls," Niall stated. Everyone at the table looked at him like he had three heads.

"How is that, Niall?" Zayn asked, slightly interested in what the Irish lad had to say.

"Most girls want a gay friend. I don't know why... but most girls do. If a guy is gay, then he is more likely to have girl- female friends. If he has female friends then he knows what guys they like, what a guy has to do to get her attention and such... If you were friends with a gay guy you can learn all this stuff and get the girl!" Niall explained.

"I don't want a gay best friend," Cher stated.

"That's why I said most girls. Besides, have you ever wondered why Louis has so many friends?" Niall asked before getting up and leaving the cafeteria. The other punks rolled their eyes at Niall's speech before going back to random conversation. Harry was a bit out of it though. Niall's words kind of stuck to him.


Louis slammed the door behind him and barely greeted his mother when he walked through the house door.

Louis was pissed.

He failed two of his classes so he wasn't allowed to try out for drama. He's always done drama. Since his first year of grade school, Louis' done drama. Now was his last year and he wasn't able to do it. Yeah, he could try out for the Spring play but that would mean he has one semester to get a passing grade in all his classes, including maths.

Louis groaned and realized, he needed help. He needed advice. But he didn't want to ask his friends because he didn't want to worry them.

Louis tried to think of another way to get advice but failed. So he decided to look up the formula on how to find x in an algebra problem.

While he was on a website, that wasn't really giving him the answer he was looking for, an ad popped up on the screen for a website where you talk to strangers called Omegole.

Louis smiled at the idea of getting advice for his problem from a complete stranger. He knew talking to strangers was bad so he wasn't going to give any personal information out. He just needed tips on how to study or to convince a teacher to let you retake a test.

Louis clicked on the ad and typed in a few key words.



That was all he thought was necessary so he clicked done and started a conversation.


First chapter! Yay! Second chapter should be up later, if not then tommorow! 


The Cliques (Larry Stylinson) {Punk!Harry}Where stories live. Discover now