"Lou, don't worry, he or she will kick soon, relax," Niall said, walking over to me from where he and Josh were searching. I blinked in shock and jumped at his sudden voice. I had kinda zoned out when I was thinking and it surprised me. "Zoned out there a bit, baby?" Harry asked amused, seeing me jump. I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed. "Hush, Haz," I said, slapping his shoulder. He winced and rubbed his arm. I laughed. I wasn't a pregnant woman, I was a full grown man with extra muscles from my pregnancy.

"jeez, Lou, you have a really hard hit," Harry complained and I shrugged. "don't mess with the pregnant man," I said a bit sassily and he rolled his eyes. "Okay, baby, sure," he said, and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.

"Anyway, how are you two feeling?" I asked Liam and and they shrugged. "I'm a bit tired and sore, but the kids keep kicking me and it don't bother me anymore,' Liam said, rubbing his stomach. I sighed almost inaudibly and Niall walked... or waddled really... over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, Lou, like I said, maybe your baby is a late bloomer. he or she will kick soon. don't worry," he said and I sighed again, but nodded. "It just worries me a bit, I mean your and Li's babies started kicking around the beginning of month five, and I'm halfway through month five. Why won't he kick?" I kept rubbing my belly.

"She, Boo, its going to be a girl, watch," Harry said and I shrugged. "I want a boy. That way he can keep an eye on any younger sisters he could have," I said absentmindedly, and internally I winced. I had never mentioned future kids before, and I wasn't sure if Harry would want any more. "Yeah, but if we had a girl, she could be our princess," Harry said and I blinked.

I thought he would question the slight mention of future kids after this one. "I still think its a boy," I said and he shrugged. "Maybe, guess we'll see in a few days," he said and I smiled. I couldn't wait to see what my baby was. and don't tell Harry, but Niall and I had bet against Zayn and Liam on what the baby would be. Niall and I said boy, while the other two said girl. we had 50£ bet against each other. Harry or Josh wouldn't approve, so we just didn't tell them.

"Well, want to watch a movie? We've been playing hide and seek for about two hours now," harry said and we all nodded. "Yeah, I need to sit, my ankles hurt,' Liam said and Niall and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you three go sit down and you two go choose a movie, I'll make popcorn and grab some snacks for you three," Harry said and I brightened. "Oh, watermelon?" I asked and he laughed. "Of course silly," he said and I smiled. "And yes, chocolate and peaches for you two, I'm all set," he said to Liam and Niall, who smiled happily. "Yay!" Niall cheered and we all laughed.

"Go on, go sit down and relax, I'll be right back with the snacks," Harry said, kissing my cheek. I kissed him back and walked - or waddled actually - with Liam and Niall as Zayn and Josh walked behind us. us three sat on the couch, or fell, in another word. it was really hard sitting on a couch with a large belly. Zayn and Josh chuckled as they saw us collapse on the couch.

Liam glared at his boyfriend and said, "Shut it, Malik, you're treading on thin ice." Niall and I glanced at him and realized it was a mood swing. he didn't get them often, but when he did, it was scary, and it stuck around for a bit of time. "Okay, Li, I'm sorry," Zayn said cautiously, still not really knowing how to deal with mood swings. Harry was a pro, seeing as I got them all the time.

"Whatever," he snapped and sat back. I leaned against him and said, "Wuv you Li." he glanced at me and suddenly started laughing. "You are crazy, Lou," he said, still chuckling. "Crazy mofos!" Niall cheered and everyone started laughing.

Josh had chosen a movie and was standing with it in his hands. "What I miss?" Harry asked amused, seeing all of us laugh. he handed each of us pregnant people our snacks and sat next to me as Niall yelled excitedly, "We're crazy mofos!" everyone started laughing again, seeing as Niall's excitement was just really contagious. "Okay, Ni, whatever you say," Josh said, leaning down and kissing the younger boy softly, even though both of them were still chuckling.

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