"Haha you're real funny" He retorted, going down the snack aisle and dumping a bunch of it into their cart. Jiho snorted but didn't stop him.

"You'll get fat you know~" He teased and Kyung chose to ignore him.

"Sure whatever, as long as I get my snacks"He replied and continued with his raiding of the snack shelves. Jiho shook his head.

"And I suppose I'm paying for all this?" He asked, and Kyung nodded, smirking a bit.

"Of course. Your house, your money~"
"Fair enough"

Kyung chuckled, a bit surprise that Jiho hadn't put up a fight. There wasn't anything else he could think of that they needed other than some toothpaste. He huffed, turning the cart to the direction he remembered seeing them.

"One more thing and we're done" He claimed, turning a corner as he tried to remember where the toothpastes had been.

"And what's this 'thing'?" Jiho asked just as Kyung turned into the aisle he was sure contained the toothpastes.

"This obviously" He answered, turning his head to look at the nearest item...that definitely were not toothpastes



After a very long awkward silence, Jiho's snicker was all that could be heard.

"You want to buy condoms~?"

He teased and Kyung wasn't sure if he'd paled or was blushing.

"Fuck I thought this was the aisle with toothpaste!" He hissed and Jiho broke into laughter.

"Oh my god Kyung" He wheezed and now Kyung was sure he was blushing.

"If you wanted to go that far you could just have asked~" He teased, pulling out a box labelled "Strawberry flavored"  much to Kyung's horror.

"Holy shit Jiho put that back!" He panicked, trying to grab the box from the other's hand. Of course since Jiho found amusement in toying with Kyung, he moved the box back, laughing.

"Oh come on, don't be shy now Kyungie~" He teased and by now Kyung wanted nothing more than to crawl into a corner and die.

"Jiho put it back!" He hissed through gritted teeth, and since Jiho obviously did not plan on cooperating, he lunged for the box, only succeeding to smack it out of his hand.

They both watched with varying degrees of horror as the box tumbled out the aisle, only coming to a stop in front of someone's feet.

The person crouched down to pick the box and Kyung gulped, letting his eyes follow the fabric of the person's clothes until they were met with another pair of eyes.

"Um you dropped th-" The person stopped when their eyes met and Kyung swore now was a good time for the world to end.

"Oh. Kyung..."

Kyung slowly closed his eyes, dreading the familiarity of the voice. Of all the time and places in the world, his Math teacher just had to be passing by that aisle at that time in that store.

"Mr. Kim" He greeted lamely, bowing a bit. Mr. Kim blinked awkwardly before handing him the box.

"Uh, your strawberry flavored um...item"

Yup. Kyung just wanted to disappear. He probably should have explained the situation to the other man, but he doubted he could justify himself no matter what he said, especially since Jiho was already taking the box and chucking it into their cart.

"Thank you sir~" Jiho thanked, before pulling Kyung and their cart away.

It was only when they were a safe distance away from the aisle that Jiho bursted out into another fit of laughter, taking the box out and placing it on the nearest shelf.

"Did you see his face?" He blurted out, wiping a fake tear off his face.

"Oh dear lord. That was hilarious."

Kyung remained quiet, still in a bit of a shock. Jiho snorted at his unresponsiveness, ruffling his hair.

"Sorry I probably shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't help it." He grabbed Kyung's hand, leading him to the nearest counter.

"let's go pay and I'll buy you ice cream so don't be mad~" He claimed. Kyung still didn't respond, the only thoughts going through his head being that he'd have to study 10 times harder to pass Math class now.


Aaaaaand here we are. Still holding on with the drama for a bit hehe~

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