Journey's End - Two

Start from the beginning

"Exterminate her!" Davros screamed.

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" The Doctor and the Stone looked at her fearfully. Donna not looking worried at all pressed a few buttons.

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" The Daleks shouted before their weapons powered down.

"Weapons non-functional!"

"What? Macrotransmission of a K-filter wavelength blocking Dalek weaponry in a self-replicating energy blindfold matrix?" Donna laughed.

"How did you work that out? You..."

"Time Lord." The other Doctor said.

"She's part Time Lord." The Stone added realising what was happening. "Oh dear." She breathed as Donna laughed.

"Part Human! Oh, yes!" She grinned enjoying herself. "That was a two-way biological metacrisis."

"Half Doctor... half Donna!"

"The Doctor-Donna..." he muttered.

"Just like the Ood said, remember?" The Stone added. "Of course! They saw it coming! The Doctor-Donna."

She turned a switch. "Holding cells deactivated." She laughed as the two Doctors and the Stone looked up. "And seal the Vault. Well, don't just stand there, you skinny boys in suits and you Stone, get to work!" She laughed. The Doctors and the Stone ran over to join Donna at the control panel.

"Stop them! Get them away from the controls!"

"You know Donna, I always wondered if Pepper pots can get dizzy." She raised a brow. "Let's find out!" She then grinned.

The redhead nodded twisting a dial. "And... spin." Donna watched as the Daleks started to spin in circles.

"Help me." They screamed. "Help me!"

Jack laughed watching them both as the Stone raised a brow. "I think it's time they go the other way, just in case." She laughed spinning the switch the other way.

"What did you do?" The other Doctor stared at them.

"Trip-stitch circuit-breaker in the psycho-kinetic threshold manipulator."

"But that's brilliant!"

"Why did we never think of that?" The Doctor looked at the other.

"Because you two... were just Time Lords!" Donna laughed. "You dumbos. Lacking that little bit of Human, that gut instinct that goes hand-in-hand with planet Earth. I could think of ideas that you two couldn't dream of in a million years! Ah, the universe has been waiting for me!"

"But the Stone..."

"They messed up my watch." She cut in. "The pepperpots did something that made me practically remember being human, not just my memories but what it is like. I still have human ideas even though I regenerated, plus I just couldn't resist." She grinned.

"You are brilliant!" The Doctor beamed picking up her and spinning her around the two of them laughing. "Oh, I do love you." He chuckled kissing her.

"Now... let's send that trip-stitch all over the ship." Donna cut in making the two separate and blush red. "Did I ever tell you - Best temp in Chiswick?" She wiggled her fingers. "A hundred words per minute!"

"Ha!" The other Doctor laughed.

"System malfunction--"

"Motor causing interference--"

"Come on then, boys, Stone, we've got twenty-seven planets to send home. Activate magnetron." She said the Doctor and the Stone took one of the sides as Donna took another and the other Doctor took the last.

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