Chapter 28: Don't wanna be alone

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"Foolish humans, you shall all die at once!"

The demon swung his sharp katana and sliced all the human beings that stood against him into two halves without even trying. Yet, he seem as if enjoying himself very much. Bathing in the blood of his victims, the powerful demon laughed, watching the men fall on the ground, death bodies laying everywhere around. It all happened in a small village, where people lived peacefully till one day. The day that everything changed.

"You sure seem to have a lot of fun, brother."

Another demon appeared on the scene.

"Why yes brother, i sure am. Wanna join? I think some humans ran over this way and i don't feel like letting anyone escape me so easily."

And so, the brothers went to finish their hunt. Searching through the forest near the village, many more were killed by the cruel hands of both demons. Yes, the demons names were Tomoe and Akura-ou. This day was the day the two of them met, and also the day that the domination of the two brothers over tha world of both, demons and humans has started.


"Good old times..."

Older AKura-ou sat on the porch, watching the evening sky. He was thinking about the past just a while ago and reminded himself of the 'happy' days he had with his brother. Akura-ou sure did miss Tomoe. Even the fact that Tomoe betrayed him and let gods seal his body in the eternal flame in Yomi-no-Kuni didn't change the fact Akura-ou still longed for Tomoe. He wanted to feel his near presence, to know he was with him, to know he was not alone. Yet, Tomoe did indeed not help Akura-ou at all in his time of need and that made the red haired demon hold a grudge against him.


Then, Nanami came to his life. When he was alone, with only the two of his shinshi but there was no friendship between them and Akura-ou. They were simply slaves to him. But Nanami was different. She chased away the darkness that surrounded him and shoved him the light. It was the first time for him to feel that there was actually a reason for him to live. He haven't felt that way ever since Tomoe abandoned him that day. 'And so that i won't feel alone ever again, i need Nanami to stay with me...'


"Alright, i guess it's time to go home back to Nanami and that wild fox, huh?"

Mizuki lifted himself up from sitting on the porch and after saying his farewell to the shrine spirits he left the Yonomori shrine, heading back. But on his way there, Mizuki noticed something odd while flying on his snake in the air above the beautiful wild nature. In the middle of the forest, there was some dark aura. The second familiar went to check on it, thinking he might as well purify the thing if it wasn't anything big.

"If i do a good job, Nanami will surely praise me and Tomoe will surely be jealous."

So Mizuki went there with his snake on whom he was flying and landed on the ground.


Just as always, i was smoking my pipe while watching the leaves float. Along with them, there were also pink blossoms of cherry trees flying, some of them landed and got caught in my long silver hair. Today was quiet peaceful day. My brother and his older himself were somewhere god-knows-where, myself from the future was just doing his chores as always and Nanami was just somewhere in the town with her friends. The only thing that didn't let my mind rest was that we still did not find any way for us to go back to the past. Well, it's more like we were just hanging around and doing nothing instead of actually trying to find a way. I heard that snake guy and older myself talk about some kind of portal that would let us go to our time, but if i remember correctly it can be opened only once in a while and we won't be able to use it for some time.

"Future sure is more peaceful and calm than our time. There, in our era the only thing we know is fighting. The world is covered in blood and cruelty rules us all...*sigh*... But At least it's not so boring as living here."

My fox ears twitched to a sound of sliding doors being opened and a light footsteps entered the shrine. 'Perhaps Nanami returned.'


The sliding door revealed a tall figure. Too tall to be Nanami, and after stepping inside, the younger Tomoe who went to see Nanami and was disappointed that it wasn't her now knew it was Mizuki who returned.

"Oh, it's only you snake."

Tomoe just said in his emotionless voice and was just about to go back to the porch and continue admiring the scenery that could be seen in the garden of the shrine, when something dark started suddenly surrounding the whole room.

"What the-"

A sharp pain spread in the demon's left shoulder, his arm slowly being covered in blood that was dripping from the demon's long fingertips. Looking down at his hand, Tomoe saw a sharp blade pearce his body from behind. The only thing that Tomoe could do before passing out because of a great amount of blood loss was turn around and glare and try to sai something but fail finishing his sentence...

"You little basta..."


Tomoe's body was move unmoving Nanami found him after returning from the town. She quickly went to get the older Tomoe, and together with him little goddess helped to care for the injury in Tomoe's shoulder.

"How could something like this happen..."

Everyone then left the room to which Tomoe took himself from the past to take a rest and recover. They could only pray that he would survive. Especially the older demon himself because if he the Tomoe from past would die, so would the one of the future.

I Love Your Past! (Tomoe x Nanami x Akura-ou)Where stories live. Discover now