Chapter 18: Please, cure my pain

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Tomoe signed but he seemed happy. Nanami could tell from the tone of his voice. The girl felt him wrapping one arm around her waist. First, she didn't mind but then he suddenly pushed her on the wooden floor, playing with her hair innocently. Nanami looked up at the demon from the past. He was smiling kindly, while caressing her soft brown hair.


But when the little girl said his name, the demon's expresion changed from gently to confused, backing away quickly from the Land god and help her stand up. It seemed like he himself didn't really know why he did it. So after a minute of an awkward silence both of them went to their rooms to get some sleep.


"Welcome back to the shrine of the Land god, Himemiko-sama!"

Himemiko, just as she promised to Mikage, came to the shrine the other day. It was about noon and everyone was awake. Tomoe noticed, that his younger self and Nanami behaved strangely towards each other, but he didn't want to ask now. No. He will ask when him and his master will have some privacy.

"Now that i think about it, brother left yesterday and didn't come back yet..."

Younger Tomoe was thinking about the brother from his time.

"Anyway Nanami, there is something i need to talk with you. Yesterday, from the visitor that was in my castle, i received this. I was told to give it to you. It is suppose to be a request of some sort, that was left unfinished and you are to complete it. Is that ok with you?"

After reading the informations written on the scroll, the human girl was about to accept the request, but Tomoe, the older one, stood up.

"I refuse, and Nanami as well!"

His voice was so angry, this time Nanami didn't dare to argue with him. 'I wonder why he's like this? Anyway, it's better not to talk back now. I will just wait till he'll calm down.'



The demon just got back to the spot, where he left his two servants, carrying something in his hand. When he came closer to those two, they noticed what it was.

"Akura-ou-sama, is that what i think it is?"

One of them asked, as the demon smirked evily. The thing in his hand was a head. A head of the fallen god that was living on this mountain. And along with the head, that was cut off of the god's body, there was also a strange little glass bottle, with some sort of strange looking purple potion. After the two servants asked about it, Akura-ou calmly explained then that this potion will make him not feel any pain, whatever happens to his body.

"But Akura-ou is back in his body. Do you really need something like this?!"

The demon, at those words, started watkinh again and withen few minutes, he was near the shrine of the Land god. Looking at the sky, he drank the potion, hoping it will cure the pain he felt in his chest. The unbearable pain that bothered him even from when, on his own eyes he saw how close Nanami and her fox familiar were, and it got much much worse, after what he witnessed yesterday evening, while on his way to thank the girl.


"Now that i think about it, shouldn't we go to school?"

Nanami was eating the lunch the fox demon from her time prepared for her. Her whole body felt painful, like if it was burning in flames. It was hard for her to do anything. Strange, because yesterday she was totally alright, no pain bothered her. 'Well, just like Otohiko said, Time traveling will have effect on my body.' In the end, Tomoe had to help her with nearly everything. Well, of course when he tried to help out with dressing her up, she refused, saying she is capable of at least take on clothes.

"No way you are going to school in this state! Are you stupid? You wouldn't even be able to walk there, as you are right now!"

Naturally not only the fox demon, but also Mizuki and the two strine spirits didn't agree on her, going out of the shrine. Everyone paid extra attention to her.

"You see, Tomoe, about that request Himemiko informed us about-"

"You.are.not.doing.that.request! Understand it?"

He was still in no mood to argue.

I Love Your Past! (Tomoe x Nanami x Akura-ou)Where stories live. Discover now