Chapter 26: You are the idiot here

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Nanami was laying in her futon, along with other two men, each one of them on her other side. Both of them protectively having their strong hands wrapped around her waist. If not for the darkness that was that was surrounding the three of them, those two would be able to see Nanami blushing face. With her deeply red cheeks, she would put a tomato in shame. 'How did i end up in this situation?' She thought to herself, trying to fight the urge as to pust both of them away from the little her and curl up into a ball of pure embarrassment. The silence that occupied Nanami's room was interrupted by a deep voice.

"You know, you broke the promise you gave me. Do you even remember what the promise was about?"

The man's tone of voice was shoving that he was perhaps a little disappointed and while impatiently waiting for the girls response, both men tightened their hold on her but not enough as to actually hurt her or cause any injury to her. Nanami squealed, surprised by the action of her two companions and thought about what to say.

"Do you mean when you told me not to have anything with your brother?"

She asked.

"Indeed, that is exactly what i mean. So tell me, why did you not listen to that one request? If i remember correctly, now that you broke the deal i will have to punish you."

'God, what is happening?!'



"Nanami, what are you doing?"

Older Tomoe stood in front of his goddes and observed her with curiousity written all across kis beautigful face. Nanami was currently trying to learn for school, because while she was travelling in time, her class wrote few tests and now she had to study hard. Well, actually it wasn't just a few tests, it was FRICKING A LOT!

"I am studying, what else would i be doing?"

She asked, slight irritation in her voice because her familiar just interrupted her studies. But by now, even her familiar was getting angry with his little goddess and so the older Tomoe found himself shouting at Nanami for being stupid, saying that she should be sleeping instead of 'overworking your tiny brain', ashe said so himself, claiming that she won't pass a single test, no matter if she will or will not prepare for it. Hearing that, Nanami was no longer able to remain in the room. Without another word, poor Nanami ran outside of the shrine and to the nearby park. Sitting on a bench, she cried her eyes out while covering her face so no one will see. Thinking that she was all alone, Nanami stayed silent and after tears stopped rolling down her cheeks, she watched how the stars on the night sky were shining brightly today.

"And what are you doing here?"

A creepy voice rang through the air, and Nanami recognized the holder of the voice immediately. The older Akura-ou stepped out of shadows and walked up to Nanami, reaching his hand to her and softly petting her hair.

"Are you alright? You look like you were crying just now..."

He asked, concerned about Nanami and in another second, another voice that was so similar, maybe even the same as the one older Akura-ou owned joined their conversation.

"It's Tomoe faul, he was shouting at her."

Two arms hugged Nanami from behind, comforting her and making her feeling at ease. The younger Akura-ou.

"What are both of you doing here?"

Nanami asked, confused a little and waited for an answer. When The older demon said he saw her run away from the shrine and younger one said that he heard Tomoe shouting, both of them started comforting the teen. After some time of calm talk, Akura-ou managed to convince the goddess to return to the shrine with both of them making her a company.

"Thank you, guys! You really helped me calm do-"

But before she was able to finish the sentence, the door leading inside the shrine swung open and there was standing older Tomoe, breathing heavily. He quickly ran to Nanami, hugging her tightly and snuggling his head in the crook of her neck, repeatedly saying the word 'Idiot.' But after not even a minute, Tomoe was shoved away from his mistress by his two brothers. Both of them glaring at him angrily and i am sure, that if looks could kill, Tomoe would be dead for sure.

"The only idiot here is you!"

The older Akura shouted at his younger brother and without another word, both the older and the younger versions took Nanami to her room.



There they were, two demons and a god, cuddling and laying together in one room.

"Well, shell we think of a punishment for you sweetie?"

Both of them said in union and held you closer.

"But that will have to wait till morning..."

The younger demon whispered, before all three of them drifted into deep sleep.


I was watching how my brother and his younger version took Nanami to her room. I wouldn't be angry if they would leave immediately afterwards, but no! They just had to lay down with her and wrap their bloody arms around MY Nanami. And to top it all, it looked as if she was enjoying the feeling of it. I can't believe this! Those Two will pay for laying their hands on my property. 'But what did they mean by 'a punishment?' and some promise about Nanami not having anything with me? Are they trying to separate us? How sly of you, brother. But not enough. Don't you think i will let you win this easily. I will make sure that Nanam won't fall into your arms. She is too good to ge yours. A pure soul as Nanami and a bloodthirsty demon like Akura-ou being together? He must be joking!'

"Enjoy your time with her, because i will cut that time short."

I frowned once more looking through the sliding door at the happy face of mi mistress. 'Soon...'

I Love Your Past! (Tomoe x Nanami x Akura-ou)Where stories live. Discover now