CHapter 20: Nanami?

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"Tomoe, that's enough! If the two of you would continue, the shrine would fall down anyway, so i would like the two of you to stop fighting already."

"But Nanami..."

Tomoe looked as if her words somehow offended, maybe even hurt him. Hurt his feeling. Maybe it was because of his pride? Or was it something else? Nanami then after making the two familiars stop fighting, attended to Mizuki's wounds.

"Instead of being all 'Nanami-chaaaaan!' how about you do something that is actually useful for the shrine and for the goddess?!"

Seemed that Tomoe really was in a bad mood.

"Anyway, next time even Nanami won't be able to stop me from killing you, if you try doing anything funny again to her! Understand?"

'Yes, he surely is angry. But he misunderstood! Or could it be that he was upset about something else? I wonder...'

"Isn't it about time that the Akura-ou from the past should of return?"

Those words escaped Nanami's lips without her really noticing. She was a little worried.


'I can't believe i would live such life as this once i am older! Well, at least i don't have to serve any spoiled god-like idiot who would make me into his personal slave and order me to do every single of his own duties. At least, it's the girl...'

"Isn't it about time that the Akura-ou from the past should of return?"

Nanami could be heard even thought i was in a different room. 'Yeah, now that she mentioned it, he left yesterday and he should be back. He doesn't know it here. Maybe he got lost or something?' Suddenly a loud crack came from the entrance of the shrine.

"Yo! Im back!"

I could recognize this voice anywhere. My hopeless brother returned!

"Where were you? You can't wander to whenever you want to, you know?"

'What's with that face?' Looked like my brother was not really happy about something. Perhaps he met someone or something he didn't wish to? Well, it's not like someone beat him up or something, since he is the 'great Akura-ou'.


There they were, the older Akura-ou with his two servants, standing silently and watching the sky.

"Let's see..."

Akura-ou was wandering in his mind. Thinking about what shall he do after finally claiming back his body from the world of Yomi-no-Kuni. One of the best ideas he could think of was getting his revenge on the fox demon, the so called Tomoe, Akura-ou's brother. He could never forgive him for betraying him. 'And what after that? Hmm...Maybe i could of deal with those annoying gods who always used to try to hunt me down all the time? Gods, hmm? Maybe, i could of also...'


One of the familiars of the demonic creature called up to his master. But instead of responding the bloodthirsty demon chuckles to himself. 'Maybe i shall play with her a little, before dealing with her.'



Older Tomoe was looking for his god, who was suppose to be resting in her room, but instead of that her futon was empty and the doors were open. 'Nanami, you idiot! Where did you go to this time? Don't tell me she is about to do something reckless again...'

"Don't you worry, Tomoe-kun~"

"What do you want, snake? Wait, what did you say?! You stupid good-for-nothing familiar, where is Nanami?!"

Oh that Tomoe, getting all worked up and angry because he did not thrust the snake after what he did today. Well, his worries were all gone after hearing about that the human god is just talking to his younger self. 'At least she is not with Akura!'

"But are you sure it's ok? I mean, your younger and wilder self and the little helpless girl are all alone in a room. I don't need to remind you about how you used to act toward women, do i??"

The snake familiar smile send chills go through his whole body. Mizuki was right. The Tomoe from the past used to behave very violently towards women before becoming the fox familiar, that it scared him now.

I Love Your Past! (Tomoe x Nanami x Akura-ou)Where stories live. Discover now