Chapter 17: Why does my chest hurt

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The two of them glared at each other, while Nanami was attempting to calm both of them down. 'Having Tomoe from the past and my Tomoe get along will be really hard, i guess.' Mizuki was only watching from a safe distance. He didn't want to get dragged into their little fight as well. The older Tomoe then after about five minutes of intense staring at the other fox demon, walked away embarrassed about getting so worried up for nothing. Also, Mizuki was already gone as well, so it was only the human girl and past Tomoe.


The demon sighed and looked towards her.

"Come here!"

He reached for her kimono and pulled Nanami against his chest again. He then lowered a little and studied curiously the little scratch.

"It doesn't seem to be anything bad. But humans are weaker than demons, so even if it's just a little injury, it will be better if you will take care of it."

It looked like he was about to release the little girl. His grip of her loosened, but immediatly tightened a lot again. Making sure not to be too rough and hurt Nanami more, the young Tomoe stooped and licked her neck. 'W-w-whant is Tomoe doing?!' Nanami's face turned red, as she felt her cheeks getting hot. Embarrassed about the situation, the girl turned her head away from Tomoe, looking over at the doors to the shrine.


Tomoe was, at first irritated, but seeing her blushing face, the demon started laughing. Thank made Nanami's face get even more red.


"Where is the Land god?"

Akura-ou, the older one, just got back to the shrine. He was looking for Nanami, but couldn't find her so he went to ask the older Tomoe, who was cleaning in one of the shrine's rooms. He send the red haired demon to the garden. He could notice a quiet angry growling from Tomoe, but he didn't pay attention to it, already half the way to the garden. Akura-ou gently opened the sliding door, but he say something he didn't really expect. His brother from the past was holding Nanami in his arms, and licking her neck. Without a word, Akura-ou left and hurried to get away. It didn't matter for him where, he just did not wish to stay in the shrine any longer. He left with a sharp pain in his chest, that seemed to bother him a lot. 'What is this feeling? It chest. The hack is wrong with me?!' Breathing heavily, Akura-ou managed to get to the house, where he as 'Kirihito' lived. He came to pick up his two servants. The demon finally reached his most important goal, to get back his immortal body, so why was it so painful?


All the people in the shrine were sleeping. All, besides one. A smoke from the pipe the younger Tomoe was smoking flew through the air. The fox demon admired the starts from the shrine's porch.

"What is that girl to you, huh?"

He was thinking about what his brother told him before. He was somehow unable to stop thinking about it. Tomoe was too concerned about thinking and smoking, he did not notice someones steps get closer to him. He found out about the person just when the doors made a sound while opening.


Nanami rubbed her sleepy eyes. She was wearing her sleeping dress. It was kinda dark for her, so she couldn't tell if it was her Tomoe, or the one from the past.

"What are you doing here?"

She asked and came closer to him, sitting down next to him on the porch.

"I was thinking. What about you? Humans need to sleep. If no, they won't have any energy."

"i heard Mizuki's voice, so i went to check on him. He was probably having a bad dream. When i was about to go back to my room, i saw your silhouette through the door."

Tomoe sighed but he seemed happy. Nanami could tell from the tone of his voice. The girl felt him wrapping one arm about her waist. First, she didn't mind but then he suddenly pushed her on the wooden floor, playing with her hair innocently.


"Oh crap, how do i get back now?"

The Akura-ou from the past was lost in the woods, looking for the shrine of the Land god. On his way, he saw his older self with two other strangers, who were wearing masks. He decided to follow them, thinking they might go to the shrine, but no. After some time, all of them arrived at some to the young demon unknown place. It was so dark, full of strong demonic aura and shadows.

"Where is this, Akura-ou-sama?"

One of the strangers asked with slightly shaken vice, but he didn't get any answer or clue. Everything he got was a hateful look. After about two hours, they got to where Akura-ou wanted to get. A top of a big mountain.

"It's said that a fallen god lives here..."

The older demon probably ordered those two to stay where they currently stand, because when he started walking again, those two didn't follow him anymore. Even the younger demon was not in a mood to spy on his older self, he needed to get back to the shrine, so he left again, without knowing what the older himself was about to do.

I Love Your Past! (Tomoe x Nanami x Akura-ou)Where stories live. Discover now