10) Played At Our Own Game

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Carter and I spend about the entire hour dancing out on the dancefloor before we finally retire back to the table where only Wren, Tyler, Robert, and Zach still sit, just observing the inner workings of the club. Well, Robert was mostly just checking out random girls. I smirked to myself, knowing Robert was never going to get any of these girls.


Now that there was an actual seat open for me, I sat down in the chair right next to Carter, earning another funny look, but another one that asks why. I can’t help, but laugh to myself a little before getting up, and sitting back down on Carter’s lap, his hands immediately found their way to my thighs, his fingertips dangerously closing in on my inner thighs, but I didn’t protest. No, I was far too satisfied to do that.


“So, having fun, there?” Tyler asks, smirking a little at me while Wren gave me a knowing glance before returning her attention to the dancefloor.


“Aren’t you?” I smirk back, sliding my hand down to cover Carter’s, slowly guiding it up and down my thigh. That’s enough alcohol for me…


I could feel Carter squirm a little beneath me as I daringly pushed his hand further, and further up my thigh, but he doesn’t make a move to stop me, and I suddenly realize why...


My assumption has just been proven.


“Hey, hey, whoa, hold the foreplay. Isn’t that Jay?” Robert asks, nodding off to the side.


I snap my head up to look over at the bar, and sure enough, I see every member of The Crew combined into one body. Robert’s build, Carter’s arrogant smirk, Tyler’s vague aura, and Zach’s chains. Kendall was right, he is all of them in one.


This will be fun...


I suddenly feel Carter’s grip on my thighs tighten, silently telling me he doesn’t want me to go. I gently slide my hands over his, silently telling him, I don’t either. I would much rather sit here with Carter, and find some other way to figure this out, but I don’t have time. I need to get this done. I can’t just say no because I’m not comfortable. I owe it to him to do this.


Sighing, I shove Carter’s hands off of me, and stand up, pulling down my dress at the top to expose more cleavage before walking up to the bar where Jay sits, just watching the crowd, smirking at girls here and there, winking occasionally.


Inwardly rolling my eyes, I make my way up to the bar, directly to the stool beside Jay, pretending as though he isn’t there for a second. I hop up onto the stool, and lean over the counter, looking for Kirt. As if on cue he pops up randomly with a bottle of tequila, and a shot glass. I smile at him appreciatively as he smirks back at me. Kirt opens his mouth, surely about to speak, but the voice that rings out isn’t Kirt’s…


“What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing alone with a bottle of tequila?” Jay asks, leaning over so I can hear him better.


“Possibly the same thing you are.” I smile, pretending to be completely interested in whatever it was he just said. I look him up and down, taking in nearly every aspect of him. He’s actually pretty nice looking if he wasn’t so, I don’t know…

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