7) Bros Before Hoes

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I'm still aggravated with the boys' terrible timing, but I can't blame them, I guess...


But, I'm still aggravated, nonetheless.


All of the girls came down soon after, and now we're all scattered around the kitchen, eating the breakfast I made. Carter keeps looking up at me when no one else is paying attention, and I can't help, but smile to myself every time he does.


That's one thing I didn't miss within those three years; Feeling like the giddy, love sick schoolgirl. It made me feel weird, and weak. I just have to hide it the best I can. I'm stronger than that.


"Oh, shit. Piper, Kendall says to answer your fucking phone." Paige laughs, quoting Kendall's text from her phone.


Laughing a little to myself, I roll my eyes, and reach down into the pocket of my pajama pants only to come up short of my phone, and quickly begin to panic a little.


"Where the fuck is my phone?" I hiss, frantically patting myself down.


"It might've fallen into the couch while w-uh-you slept." Carter suggests, scanning the room to see if anyone noticed his slip up.


I quickly jump from the counter, and ran into the living room, automatically finding my way to the couch,  digging into the couch cushions. My body shaking in anticipation, and eagerness.


I’m completely and utterly anxious to hear what Kendall had to say.  I desperately hope she has information about him. Being so caught up with Carter last night I almost forgot about why I was here to begin with. And, that, for some reason, pisses me off so much.


It pisses me off that I forgot about him. He's so important, and I just simply forgot about him.


Finally finding it, I tear my phone up from under the cushion, and unlock it, checking through all my text messages, seeing I have a missed message from Kendall.


Jay Linley. Handles all location aspects for The Reds. Under Dave's command. His gang has been with Dave for only a few months. They're nubes! And, he's gonna be at The Spot tonight. If you can hit him up just right, I bet you can get the location from him. -Kendall


Without a stitch of hesitation, I run back into the kitchen, nearly slipping, and falling onto Carter, but quickly regain my balance. There is no way I’m passing up this opportunity. It could be a long while before we get another shot like this, so I’m fucking going. End of discussion.

“Whoa there, what’s up, Piper?” Alex laughed at my almost slip.


“Kendall found some helpful information. You guys heard of The Reds? I guess they’re this new crew or whatever for Dave, and this kid, Jay, he handles all the location aspects.” I ramble anxiously, throwing my phone down on the table in front of Carter so he could read the text.

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