2) It's An Ego Thing

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“I’m sorry? C-can you repeat that?” Kendall sputtered, staring at Carter incredulously, eyes wide, and mouth agape. Just as all of my other girls in the room. However, I stood there smirking down at Carter, feeling triumphant in my victory.


“Don’t you speak English? I said I’m in.” Carter snapped, rolling his eyes.


I laughed to myself, slowly walking over to him, and uncuffing him from the chair, trusting him only slightly more than I did moments ago. He eyed me cautiously as I took careful steps backward, preparing myself incase he decided to retaliate in any way.


“So, what exactly are you proposing, Piper?” Carter asked curiously, rubbing his wrists.


“As much as I hate to admit it, we need your help dealing with a little confrontation that ended in the abduction of some very important information.”


“What information?” He asked.


“For the time being, that’s confidential.” I sighed, running my fingers through my thick, long brunette hair.


“So, you’re telling me that I have to help you get back some piece of information, risking the life of not only myself but my crew as well, but I can’t know what the hell it is? You’re kidding, right?” Carter laughed emotionlessly, narrowing his eyes.


“Look, Mahone, this is complicated. You’ve succeeded in worse conditions than this.” I sighed.


Instead of replying, he just stood there staring at me, a calculating look in his eyes. I could tell he was having some sort of internal battle in his head. Something he did quite often, I assumed. I knew what I was asking was incredibly risky, and vague, but Carter had sufficed with much more difficult tasks. He had to be able to help me out. He just had to.


“So, what are we thinking? If you’re going to get anything from Dave you’re going to need to be close to the action. You’re not gonna get shit hiding back out here. Back at the house, we’ve got about six open suites. Just come out there, lay low, and see if we can’t work it out from there?” Carter suggested, crossing his arms over his chest casually as he looked at me, waiting for my approval.


“I’m gonna need a few of my girls.”


“Like I said; six available suites. Just try not to bring too many. The boys don’t take too lightly to being outnumbered by females. It’s an ego thing.” He shrugged calmly. I rolled my eyes, and turned to Kendall since she’s my second command.


“Call a meeting. I want every single member in the common room within the hour.” I ordered. She nodded, and quickly scurried out the door.


“Quinn, Bailey! I want everyone informed. No one is to touch Carter without my orders. He’s here strictly business! And, if I so much as think someone’s plotting against him-” I began to order.

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