1) He's In

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I sat in the large, metal walled room atop a stone cold steel chair, with only the dim glow of the moon, and the flickering light of the lamp hanging from the ceiling above my head lighting the way. I impatiently tapped my fingers repeatedly on the hard wood desk I sat behind, waiting for Kendall to open her mouth. Instead, she stood there, with her hands pressed down against the desk top. Her burgundy sideswept bangs hung over her piercing green eyes as she glowered at me.

The tension within the cold compartment was almost thick enough to be cut  with a butter knife. The intense silence only fed the tension’s hunger. A kind of silence that said both had something to say, but neither dared to say it. In my case, I shouldn’t have needed to. I had no reason or need to explain myself. However, Kendall refused to speak, in fear of my reaction. But, none the less, she eventually spoke anyways.

“I’m telling you, Piper! This will never work! He’ll never agree to this! We’re wasting our time with him!” Kendall ranted, slamming her fists down on the desk.

“Dammit, Kendall! Do I have to remind you who is in charge, here? Whose crew is this, anyhow?” I questioned rhetorically, quickly finding my feet as I hovered over her challengingly.

In response, her frame eased up, and she took a slow step backwards. “It’s your crew, Piper. but-” She began, quickly regaining her spark she had only seconds ago.

“But nothing, dammit! This is mycrew; we play by my rules! If I say jump, you ask how high! If I say we are recruiting his help, then goddammit, you will see to it that he is brought in! Do you understand?” I ordered, continuing to glare at her.

I knew Kendall would never challenge my position as leader; she knew her place. As did all the other girls. However, she did have a point. Under regular circumstances, the odds of him teaming up with us would be slim to none. But, if I thought that there was absolutely no chance of succeeding in this, I wouldn’t have sent for him to be brought in.

“Piper, I just don’t think-”

Before Kendal could finish what she was saying, the steel door to my office flew open, and a flustered looking Paige blew through, breathing heavily, and her long wavy green hair flowing wildly every which way. She had obviously went out of her way in getting here speedily.

“Piper! They’ve brought him!” She gasped, raising her hand to push her hair from her eyes.

I nodded curtly before kneeling down, and pulling a key from my boot, and unlocking the last drawer in my desk, hastily pulling it open, and taking out my Colt M1903 and it’s magazine out, loading it up, and stuffing it into the waistband of my jeans. I stood back up, and shoved the key back into my boot before turning towards Paige.

“I want to know everything. Full report.” I ordered, hurrying out the door, and down the hall. Kendall and Paige were following close behind.

“We found him in a bar on the south side of Lockhart. He was alone, and we haven’t confirmed why, but we assume he was there on business. He doesn’t just simply go out to bars without his crew unless he’s on the clock.” Paige began to report.

“Don’t assume. With him you never know.” Interrupted, not bothering to look over at her as she struggled to keep pace with Kendall and I.

“Right. Well, when we found him, he was armed. Glock 19 in his belt, and a switchblade in his sneaker.” She continued.

I couldn’t but smirk to myself when Paige told me they found him armed with a Glock and a switch blade. Same old Carter. Him and that damn Glock. Even three years later he hasn’t upgraded. Typical.

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