part 6 ; regret

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We arrived in a small gelato bar near the pizza place where we parked our car. The bar has been there for months and we said to ourselves that we wanted to try it but time had never been in our side.

Today is our lucky day, then.

The small bell rang as he opened the wooden light blue door. A strong scent of chocolate and mint greeted my senses as we walked into the store. A very large variant of flavor were there under the glass container, and made my mouth water just by looking at them

"Hello, can I try that please?" he asked the worker and pointed to the fererro rocher and strawberry gelato. Just when he got a taste of the ice cream his face literally lit up. "Wow that's so good, I'm just going to have that and the other scoop is the chocolate mint, please"

"What are you having?" he turned to face me, but I couldn't seem to make up my mind yet.

"Can I have a taste of that, please?" I asked the worker and pointed to the avocado chocolate gelato. The strong flavor of avocado melts in my mouth and just enough flavor of chocolate came after. 

"I'll have that and the other scoop is vanilla raisin, please" I shot a smile to the worker and she proceeded to take our orders. 

We sat in the quiet corner near the glass window that was facing towards the road. I found myself staring at him again, and realizing how lucky I was to have him. His eyes were full of determination and love. Happiness literally radiated from his body. But then, he caught my eyes.

"What" he raised one of his eyebrows. "Stop staring at me, is there something on my face?"

"How could I ever stop staring at you" I rested my chin on my palms, and continued to at stare his face. I caught him off guard and his face began to blush.

"Stop" he let out a small laugh and looked out of the window. "Keiko, what do you think would happen if you didn't step on my foot or you walked on a different isle"

"We wouldn't be here right now and we wouldn't probably know each other" the realization hit me, if on that day, I didn't lose my pen and notebook, I wouldn't even went to the bookstore.

I wouldn't know this amazing person.

"And I would probably still living in the dorm, eating take aways every single night" he shrugged, looking deep into my eyes.

"The funny thing is, my friend asked for my company to see you on tour, but I said no because I was still packed with assignments. Who knew I would bump into you in the small bookstore" I let out a giggle remembering how my friend begged me to accompany her.

"You never told me your friend was- is a fan!" he gasped, "We could invite her to have a dinner together or something, then"

"She's living in New York now, to persuade her dreams of being a photographer. Her pictures are really good you know" I took another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"Reasons added to make you come with me on tour then, we can visit her and she can make me as an object of her photography!" he excitedly said, his eyes literally sparkled.

"Wait- wait, fine, I'll try my best to have days off then" I leaned into my chair and still secretly admiring his beauty. We fell into a comfortable silence, where we got lost in our own thoughts but still loving each other's company.

"Jongin-ah what would you do if you weren't like you are right now" I brought out the topic out of no where, it just crossed my mind.

"Not a singer? Ah- I've never think about it actually but if I'm not in a group, I would probably open a small food truck that goes around Seoul every week end and during the weekdays, I would probably work at the zoo" he glanced out of the window again and back to me.

"Have you ever regretted the decision?" I leaned forward and rested my arms on the table.

"Of being an idol? No, well- there were times I wanted to quit because it was all too much, the pressure, the media, and all of the made up drama, don't forget the sasaengs, but then I remembered I chose this path and I'm glad I got to do something I love which are dancing and singing while being paid, you know" he smirked at the last sentence and I jokingly punched his upper arm.

"All of the hard works, sleepless nights, tears, and pain, paid off when I saw people getting happy from listening to my songs, from meeting us. I really love making people happy" he smiled so genuinely that made my heart warm and melts.

"And thank you for being there for me when everyone doubted me, last year was a very hard year for me especially when I got injured and thank you for not leaving my side." he reached off to touch my face and tuck a hair strand behind my ear.

"I will never"

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