part 3 ; impromptu

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We pulled up in the nearest Subway, one of our favorite place to eat. This is the place where we would go when one of us had something in mind, or in distress. But we hardly ever eat in the restaurant because he knew things could go crazy, there would be too many people crowding the place and he wouldn't want to bother other people that were eating in the place. 

We would buy it as take aways, went to an empty car park, and eat it in the car. Yes, a quadruple million seller likes to eat in the car because he wouldn't want to bother other people. This guy does really have a golden heart.

"Wait you missed the turn, where are we going?" I mentioned as he continued to went straight even though our usual place to eat was supposed to be on the right.

"I wanted to do something different, just wait" he said without taking a glance at me. I raised one of my eyebrows, but accepts to follow his lead anyway.

The weather was nice, it wasn't warm yet cold, just the perfect temperature to held a mini picnic out in the sun. He let out the blanket and spread it on the grass. 

"It's a rare condition you wanted to do this? I mean sitting outside in the sun where everyone could see you" I hesitantly said, worrying I said something wrong, "Don't get me wrong-"

"It doesn't matter, we're gonna have this day as ours, don't worry, now eat" he unwrapped his sandwich and began to eat.

We ate in silence, not the awkward one, but the comfortable one where you don't want it to end. I took a slow look on our surrounding and it's breathtakingly beautiful. It had been ages since I was out doing picnics like this. Not just because it's risky for Jongin, but the busy schedules both of us had limit us from doing things like this.

I really didn't want this day to end, it had been so perfect and I miss this kind of day. Due to my busy schedules and him spending his time at the headquarters almost all the time, the last time we went on a decent date was probably 3 months ago. Sometimes it got funny, he had time offs during the weekdays, and I got time offs during the weekends, there has been a time where we didn't talk to each other for like 3 days even though we were living together.

When I got home, he was sleeping. And when I woke up, he already went to work. 

I didn't realize I was actually staring- while admiring his godly sculptured face, until he looked back at me with his cheeks full.

"Take a picture, it would last longer" he blankly said, but I could see his cheeks getting red. 

"Actually, I will, stay at your position, if you move I'm gonna eat all of the breadsticks" I took out my handphone and capture a photo of him. "Don't look to the camera" I demanded when he looked straight to the camera.

"I might go on tour again this December" he said it out of the blue. We were finished with our food and he decided to lay down on my lap. 

"Again? But you were just finished touring like 4 months ago" I brushed my fingers through his hair. Admiring his chocolate brown hair and sun kissed skin. 

"Yeah, but- it's such a dilemma I don't want to leave you, but it's already has been scheduled, and when I'm on the stage it feels like weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Seeing the fans sing together really paid off my hard work of practicing and sacrifices-" 

"You know I don't mind, right? This is something we have been experiencing before, and you know I really want you to do what you really love, and performing is one of it. I will support on everything you want to do. Just as you know, I will always be there" I bent down and kissed his forehead. 

"You could go with me, we could do mini adventures, I'll probably go to New York, we could visit your parents" he sit up and his eyes are literally sparkling with excitement.

"Well that's actually a pretty good idea, I've been wanting to visit them but time hasn't been on my side" I rubbed my chin, "And it would be the first time you meet my parents" 

"It would be amazing I know it, the tour will start in North America and New York is probably the- wait let me check" he let out his phone and checking the actual schedule of the tour. "New York is the second city so you could definitely come right" 

"I can't just say yes to that, I need to check my schedules too" I giggled at how much he really wants me to come with him.

"Fine, fine, but please make it work" he pouted and looked straight into my eyes.

"I will try my best" I cupped his cheeks and he did something unexpected, he jumped into my arms and hug me so tight. 

"I really am lucky to have you-" he whispered, "-thank you for making me the better version of myself"

"You're acting weird today all touchy and soft like this" I recovered from the sudden movement and hugged him back."But I like it and thank you to you as well"

"I just have a lot of affection to show and deliver today, I'm so happy!" he pulled back and I suddenly missed his warmth. 

"You make me very happy, Keiko"

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