The Lick

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Friday, 8:20 PM. 40 minutes before it's time. I don't think I've ever been more anxious.

"Brooklyn, are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to if you're not really comfortable." Gunna asked as I was packing my bags with all of my things that were left at his house. "I know how you feel about Carlos but that doesn't mean that we have to do this."

"I want to do this. I need to. It's the only way to make things right." I replied.

"Make things right with what?"

"With myself, Gunna."

"I understand." his face frowned as he looked at me nervously moving around. "You don't wanna talk about what happened at ya moms house yesterday? You still haven't brought it up." he asked.

"You know, you're asking a lot of questions! I'm fine Gunna, ok? That's all that matters to me is that I'm fine, everything is fine! What happened at my mother's house does not matter, what we have planned for tonight is what matters!"

"Look, Brooklyn, all I'm trying to do is be there for you make sure you're okay!"

"I am okay, Gunna!"

"You're just gonna lie to me like I wasn't there? Act like it wasn't anything? Like I didn't sit there and watch your moms cry? Watched the way you talked to her? And you think I'm gonna sit here and believe that everything is okay?" I stood in silence not knowing how to reply. "You know what Brooklyn, I thought we were better than this. I opened up to you bout everything with me and you won't even let me be there with you, for you! I thought we were kinda like ya know, building some type of bond. Not even off no relationship type shit, but just, I thought we could trust each other, tell each other everything. Like, you're my real best friend. I'm not fond of one-way friendships. Maybe this isn't real. Maybe you don't fuck with me like you thought I did." He explained.

"Gunna you could not possibly understand what's going on with me right now!" I snapped instantly without even thinking. "If only you knew how much you mean to me how much you've grown on me you don't know the extent I would go for you I would literally lay my life on the line for you! So for you to really question that hurts because you don't know Gunna, you don't fucking know! Everything I've ever known to love has been taken from me, EVERYTHING! The only reason I wake up with a smile was because God blessed me with my mother who's been there through thick and thin with my ass but see then I met you and I was blessed with another reason to smile in the morning. You don't even know what I would do for you!"

"Why would you do all of that for someone you just met, Brooklyn?"

"Why would you trust someone you just met, Tyree?" I said sarcastically mocking him, he couldn't give me an answer. "Like I thought. We have to get ready for tonight, put on the outfit I picked up over there." I pointed to a white bag from Giant that had clothes in it. There was a specific outfit I picked for Gunna from the store. He walked over to the couch and looked into the bag. His eyes widen and forehead furrowed. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Who the fuck wearing this suit? Do I look like a nigga that wears suits?"

"You're gonna look like one today! Now go!" I said. "I have to go pick up my dress from my house so I'll be back later. Or we can meet up at the casino I think I'll prefer that."

"Whatever Brooklyn." Gunna said while taking the bag into the back. He huffed and puffed while walking away and also mumbled something under his breath, but I paid it no mind. I grab my keys from off of the coffee table and left out the door.

The dress I'm wearing is actually in my trunk, but I do have to make a quick stop. I pulled out my phone from my pockets and dialed Erika's number. She answered on the first ring and knew what it was.

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