Meet Gunna

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Tonight is the night.. I finally get to meet Gunna and take him out for this 30K.

I was riding in my charger trying to get to the Ace of Clubs. It was time for me to get this shit over with. After this lick, I'm thinking about telling Carlos how I want out of this bullshit. I just wanna take all the money I got saved up and leave town. Ain't shit here for me anymore.

I'm ducking and dodging cars trying to get to my destination quickly. I was dressed in a tight black dress with my hair down all curly and shades on. Dressed for a funeral.

I popped a perc before I left out the house so I'm feeling extra numb. I promised my mama I'd stopped doing them but I can't.

When I pulled up to the club, the line was all the way down the street. Brooklyn wasn't standing in that line they had it all fucked up. Luckily, it's a back door no one knows about that I could go through and that's exactly how I got in.

When I came in the club, it was way more packed than usual, so it was hard looking around for this nigga that I've never even seen in person but only through pictures. I was walking around bumping motherfuckers to get them out my way just looking for my target. A lot of people were giving me the side eye like they seen a ghost or something. I haven't popped out in years so it was probably shocking for people to see a new face, and probably shocking for the ones who did know me. No one knows the new me, though. The "new" me that'll do whatever to get money. The me that'll do whatever to make sure my mama bills paid. The me that'll smoke a motherfucker with no hesitation.

Me looking around in this crowded ass club for one day ain't easy. I was bout ready to give up because I don't like the scenery. I don't like being around a bunch of people. This shit ain't fit for me.

"I see y'all turnt out there!" the DJ said talking to the crowd. I looked around and realized this is going to be a challenge. "I see my man over there we got Gunna in the house!" he said while the light flashed over on the VIP section. There he was, Gunna. Every girl in the club got excited when he announced that Gunna was here. The nigga must be well known. I don't really care for all that. I came to do what needed to be done.

I didn't notice I was really in a gaze just staring at him. I ain't going lie he was fine as hell. He was turned to his friend who I believe is Tim because it does look like him, smiling and shit. I just happened to notice them tattoos on the side of his face. Brownskin dread head. And I'm the same one who said I don't have a thing for hood niggas. He turned his head and looked over my way. I couldn't tell if he was looking at me, or someone around me. I raised my eyebrow at him due to uncertainty. I looked around me, and it just so happened that no one was by me. I looked back at him and he winked at me. I gave him that look like I was ready for him. Gave him that little hand gesture to come towards me and that's exactly what he was doing, walking my way.

Here he is. Gunna in the flesh face to face with me. It's sad that I gotta kill him tonight, I probably would've enjoyed giving him some of me. And honestly, that's probably what I will do.

"How you doing, mama?" he asked me.

"I'm fine I wanna see how you doing." I replied giving him that same look.

"Oh yeah?" he laughed. "Who you come with? Your girls?"

"I run alone."

"All the time?"

"Every time." I replied. He laughed again which was starting to irritate me.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You... I've just never seen you around here before. You from this side of town?"

"Yeah, I am.. Are you from this side of town?" I asked trying to be funny.

"This is my town, period."

"Hmm... I like your response." I said while laughing.

"So why are you laughing?" he asked.

"Because I can laugh. Problem?"

"Nah no problem." he said while smiling. I was hesitating on what to say next, I usually don't gotta do all this conversating. So fuck it, let's just get straight to the point.

"Leave me with tonight... Right now." I said to him. He looked shocked.

"Just like that?" he laughed. I kinda felt embarrassed. "You don't seem like that type of girl."

"You can't even imagine the type of girl I am." I said while whispering in his ear. I grabbed his hand and made him follow me to the restroom. I noticed a couple of bitches look at me the wrong way but I ain't pay them no mind. I'm just trying to get my work done and pleasure myself at the same time.

Before we went inside the restroom, he stepped to the side and whispered in the security guard's ear. I don't know what he said, and I wasn't sure if I should care or not about what he told him. He opened the door for me, closed it and gave me that look. The guard was standing in front of the door.

He picked me up and sat me on the sink, standing in between my legs. I ain't never feel more happy to know Carlos in my life cause I was ready to break Gunna ass down. He was kissing on my neck and feeling all on my thighs. My eyes were rolling to the back of my head while I was holding on his head. I was so caught up in the moment I forgot what I was here for.

Out of nowhere this nigga, Gunna grabbed my neck and choked me. Not seductively but ACTUALLY choking me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said trying to speak fluently.

"WHO THE FUCK SENT YOU HUH?" he yelled at me grabbing my throat harder. I was slapping the sink because I couldn't breathe, so he let go of my neck snatching his hand away.

"I'm not dumb bitch, try again." he said while slamming out of the restroom.

How the fuck could he have known? Had any clue? Shit wasn't fucking adding up in my head. Fuck! Carlos is going to fucking kill me.

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