Serena responded to Misty and the two girls continued to talk about their cities, Pokemon, and adventures.

"So, why are you going to Pallet Serena?"

Serena stayed quiet for a few moments, debating on whether or not to tell her. Serena decided she wouldn't say his name as she knows Pallet is a small town. "Well, there's this guy..."

Misty's eyes lit up and she eagerly responded "really! Oh and on Valentine's Day! Is he your boyfriend or not? Oh this is so exciting!"

Serena blushed and nodded. "I'm confessing my feelings. I've liked him for a long time and due to me being in Kanto for contests, I decided to confess on Valentine's Day."

Misty smiled. "Oh I'm so happy for you, I'm sure he'll say yes. You sound like an amazing person and pokemon trainer. Hey, do you think we could become friends? I like you Serena."

"Of course we could become friends Misty! But now that I've told you why I'm going to Pallet, why are you going to Pallet? It's to spend time with your boyfriend right?"

Misty smiled and blushed. "Yea, that's why I'm going."

"How long have you been together?"

"It's been about three months so far. He was the one who asked me out. He took me to the place we first met years ago and asked me."

"That's so sweet!" Serena said in awe, wishing the guy she liked would do that. Unfortunately he's not romantic enough for that but that was still fine with Serena. "How long ago did you two meet?"

"We met when we were ten. It was the first day of his pokemon journey actually. He fell in a river and I fished him out. Eventually he stole my bike, causing me to chase after him. The rest is history. He was my first friend and he said I was his. It's amazing to fall in love with your best friend."

Serena thought that this was the cutest thing ever. It's like something out of a movie, fate bringing them together like that. She couldn't wait to meet him.

Before Serena could ask for his name Misty announced that they were in Pallet. "Alright, this is Pallet town. It's really not that big and it's only famous for Professor Oak who lives in a hard to miss big white house, his grandson, and actually my boyfriend who somehow created a name for himself." Misty laughed at her last statement. "I'm proud of him though. Would you like to meet him?"

Serena nodded eagerly while Misty started running, presumably to his house. However Serena was confused when they ended up at Ash's house. Her eyes widened and her heart sunk to the bottom of her stomach when she quickly figured it out.

"Hmm I guess no one is home" Misty said with confusion in her voice. "I bet he's with Gary again."


Both girls turned around to see Ash Ketchum running up to his girlfriend and eventually lifting her up in the air, ignoring her protests to put her down.

"Ash Ketchum I swear one day I-"

He cut her off with a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Valentines Day Misty."

"You too you big lug. Anyway look, we have a guest. Serena, this is my boyfriend Ash. Ash, this is my new friend Serena!"

"Serena! Misty, I traveled with her through Kalos! How are you Serena!"

Ash pulled her into a friendly hug which Serena returned lightly. "Hey Ash" she said quietly.

Serena looked over at Misty to see her with a shocked expression with her hand over her gaping mouth.

"Hey Ash, let me go talk to Misty for a second."

Ash nodded and went to go talk to a tall boy in a purple shirt with spiky brown hair. Serena guessed that was the Gary Misty mentioned on the ride here.

"Serena I-"

"No no, it's ok. Really."

Serena didn't look great though. She was incredibly sad inside. She kept thinking of the romantic gestures Misty said that her boyfriend did. Plus the way Ash looked at Misty and vise versa was enough to tell Serena they really really did like each other. It was bittersweet. Serena was so happy for Misty and Ash but she was so disappointed that Serena and Ash probably wouldn't come true.

Misty was at a loss for words. How do you comfort someone that has a crush on your boyfriend?

"I'm really happy for you guys, honest. Misty, I really do want to become friends still."

Misty laughed bittersweetly. "You're taking this better then I would have."

Serena laughed the same way. "Hey, it'll take time but I can tell you two were made for eachother. Ash has never looked at anyone ghe way he looked at you. I have also never seen him so happy to see someone in his life, that's counting his mother. I mean, im disappointed to spend Valentines Day alone... again... but hey, there's always next year!"

Misty smiled at Serena's positivity. "Well, if you're ready and you don't mind a egotistical and slightly rude but kind of sweet version of Ash then I think I could set you two up on a date."

Misty was looking over at the boy talking to Ash. Serena smiled "sure, why not!"

Serena was hurt inside over this. She really was and it continued throughout the week... and the next. However, when she was with Gary, Serena forgot about Ash and her crush on him.

After a few weeks though, Serena was at peace with the situation. She ended up staying friends with Gary as she thought it was best. She wasn't hurt anymore though. She was happy. Happy with herself and so so happy for her friends Ash and Misty.

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