No Time

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Henry's Point Of View.

We all gathered in Olivia and Emillie's room and they were curious.

"Okay we are going to have to start Operation SM."

"What's that?" Roland questioned.

"Is it like BDSM?"

"Olivia! How do you even know, I don't want to know."

"Henry what's BDSM?"

"Nothing you need to worry about Emilie. Anyways SM stands for save mom. Mom is sick so we need to step our game up and be more helpful."

"Henry does mommy have a cold?"

"No its sicker than that."

"Like cancer?"

"Maybe Rowland, I'm not sure. I just know we have to help."

"Okay so this is between us?"

"Yes thanks Liv now don't say anything." We all turned to look at Emilie.

"What did I do?"

"Well you tend to be a blabber mouth."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Take that back Liv!"


"Stop! Both of you stop or we are going to get into trouble. No one say anything but try and help okay?"

I got head nods and Roland and I walked out of the room and got ready for bed. I rolled over and looked at the clock to see it was 3:00 am. I couldn't sleep at all. I got out of bed and saw that Roland was sleeping. I walked into the kitchen and I saw mom over the sink crying.


"Henry hey what are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Oh you want some hot coco."

"No. Um...Are you sure everything is okay?"

"Yes Henry."

Then there was a loud bang and mom took off running to their bed room, I followed and we walked in to see mom laying on the floor.

"Regina are you okay?"

"Yes I up to fast."

We both helped her up and got her back into the bed. I then watched as my mom went to go get some water and my other mom laid in the bed.

"Mom what's going on?"

"Nothing I just got up too fast that's all."


"Henry please." I then felt her hand on my cheek and I sighed as I saw a tear run down her cheek. I wiped it away and then kissed her forehead.

"Henry got get some rest."

"Okay love you mom."

"I love you too."

I walked out of their room and went back to mines and I woke up Roland.

"Roland mom is really sick."

"Like cancer."

"I think so yeah."

"So lets find out for sure."

"How are we going to do that Roland?"

"Well if you are fine with getting your hands a little dirty."

"If it helps us figure out what is going on fine."

"Okay so we are going to drop the girls off at school, then me and you are going to basically break into the doctors office and look at mom's files."

"So we might go to jail is what you are telling me."


"Okay fine Roland but only for mom."

"Only for mom."

Roland and I did a handshake and I laid back down and he went back to sleep.

I woke up and got dressed and Roland did the same. After that we all had breakfast and we left for school. We took Emilie to the elementary school and when we got to the middle school we waited for Olivia to get out of the car.

"So what's the plan boys?"

"Liv what are you talking about?"

"Oh come on i'm not stupid."

"Fine we are not going to school we are going to break in-"

"And get moms files."

"How'd you know?"

"Easy guess."


We arrived at the doctors and Liv and I distracted the lady while Roland snuck into the back. Once he had got the files we all made a run for it. I soon heard sirens and I knew that we were screwed. A male police officer stopped us and we put our hands up. I then saw Jade walking towards us.

"What the hell guys?"

"We um..."

Jade then grabbed the file from Roland and looked at it. She read it and looked up. She then gave the file to the male officer and she told us to follow her. So we followed her to my car and she drove us to school. When school was over she picked us all up and we went home. We got there and she went into the room with our mom.

Jade's Point Of View

I walked in and looked at Regina.

"Jade what are you-"

"So you weren't going to tell me!"

"What are you talking-"

"You're dying!"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Look the only people who know are Emma and the doctor and well me."

"Regina you have cancer. This isn't something that you can hide."

"Why not!"

"Because! You are sick and you need help."

"Jade I can't!"

"You can't what!"

"Go through that I can't."

"Regina at least do it for me or Emma or for the kids."

"Why do you think i'm not doing it? Everything I fucking do is for my kids! I don't want them to see me suffer."

"Regina they already know."


"Does it matter? They know and you need to talk to them."

"Okay I will I just need some time."

"Regina you don't have time."

I Loved Her... (Sequel To I Love Her)Where stories live. Discover now