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Emma's Point Of View

My phone vibrated and I picked it up.

"Hey mom can me and Roland spend the night at Josh's house?"

"Henry its a school night."

"I know but his mom said that we could and she said she can take us to school tomorrow please."

"Henry fine."

"Yes thanks mom you're the best!"

"Okay I gotta go kido."

"Okay bye mom love you."

"I love you too, tell Roland I love him and behave."

"We will see you tomorrow after school!"

I hung up the phone and looked at the papers again.

"Emma how about we make a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yeah, you take her for a week and if you don't want her i'll come and put her back in the system."

"What if I do want her?"

"Than you sign these papers and you can keep her."


"Awesome well her bag is right here and here is my card i'll be back in a week."

I took the card and looked at it Mrs.Gold I read. She took her brief case and the papers and walked out of the door. I looked at the sleeping girl one more and took the blanket from the couch and covered her with it. I then walked to the bathroom and sat in the toilet and started to cry.

Regina's Point Of View 

I walked out of the room and heard crying coming from the bathroom. I sighed and continued walking until I got to the living room. I saw the little girl sitting on the couch with the blanket wrapped around her. I walked in the living room and sat next to her and she looked at me.


She just looked at me and moved away from me.

"I'm Regina, what's your name?"

She continued to stare at me.

"Well I see you don't talk that much do you?"

She then just looked at me.

"You want some ice cream?"

She then smiled and nodded her head. I got up off of the couch and held out my hand.

"Come on I won't bite."

She hesitated then took my hand in her little one and we went to the kitchen. She climbed up into the chair and I got down two bowls from the cabinet.

"Okay what flavor do you want?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Do you want strawberry?"

She shook her head no.

"How about mint chocolate chip?"

She shook her head no again.

"How about cookie dough?"

She smiled and nodded her head yes.

I took out the cookie dough ice cream and put some in a bowl for her and me.

"Lets do some whipped cream and chocolate syrup."

She nodded and I put some in her bowl and then grabbed two spoons. She took the spoon and began eating the ice cream just like Emma eats hers. When she was done with her ice cream I gave her a napkin and she wiped her mouth and sat back down on the couch. I put the bowls in the sink and then sat next to her. It was silent and I wasn't to sure on what to say. Soon Emma came from the bathroom and sat on the coffee table facing the girl.


The girl didn't say anything and then she took my hand in hers. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Its okay, she won't hurt you."

She looked back at Emma and then let go of my hand. She put her hands on Emma's cheeks and   then looked into her eyes. 

"Are you my birth mommy?"


"My mommy and daddy died."

"I know."

"They weren't nice."

"They weren't?"

"No, but I was supposed to say they were."

"What did they do to you."

"Hit me."

"Where did they hit you?"

She started crying and Emma looked at me and I took the girl into my arms.

"Shhh its okay I got you, you're okay."

Eventually she stopped crying and she was asleep once again. I lied her down on the couch and me and Emma went to the kitchen to talk.

"I'm sorry Gina I was going to tell you I just-"

"Emma its okay."

"No its not okay after all i've been through and everything that has happened between us I made a mistake."


"No I should have never given her up, I know what its like out there and she is only three years old and she is smart and beautiful."


"Are you going to leave me?"


"Are you going to leave because of this?"

"Hell no we have been through too much, and I love you and we will get through this together."


"Oh and she's staying with us."


"She is not going back into the system."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I pulled Emma into a hug and then I felt a tug in my shirt. I looked down to see the girl standing there.

"Olivia my name is Olivia."

I Loved Her... (Sequel To I Love Her)Where stories live. Discover now