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I laid Regina down in the bed and laid down next to her. I fell asleep and then I felt a weight on top of me. I looked to see Regina sitting on top of me.

"Regina what are you doing?"

"Emma I want you."

"Regina no."

"Emma yes."

"Can Henry take boxing lessons?"


"Then you can't have sex with me."

"But I want to."

"And I want Henry to take boxing lessons."

"But what if he gets hurt?"

"He will be fine."

"Fine he can take boxing lessons."


"But you still have to have sex with me."

"Regina no."

"But why?"

"You are drunk."

Regina then got off of me and laid on the other side of the bed. I watched as she glared at me and pouted. 

"Regina that's not going to work."

"Fine but I am mad at you."

"Okay goodnight Regina."

"Yeah whatever."


I woke up the next morning and Regina was gone. I then heard the shower running and I assumed she was in there. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen and saw Henry eating a granola bar.

"Guess who is going boxing today?"

"Really mom said yes?"


"Okay i'm going to go get ready."


I watched as Henry ran out of the kitchen and towards his room. I then grabbed a donut and walked back into the room to see Regina getting dressed. I then sat down on the bed and watched her.

"See something you like?"


"That's to bad because I have a massive headache."

"I know how to fix that."

"Well I have to go to work."

"You go back today?"


"Oh when are you going to be home?"

"When I get home."

"What about counseling?"

"What about it?"

"Never mind."

Regina rolled her eyes at me and then walked back into the bathroom slamming the door. I then got up and out on some jeans and a tank top and put my hair into a pony tail. I then walked into the living room and saw Jade holding Emilie.


"You're back now."

"Its because of counseling but yeah."

I Loved Her... (Sequel To I Love Her)Where stories live. Discover now