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I woke up and looked to see that Regina was gone. I then rolled out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Regina was crying over the sink.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"Emma, i'm pregnant."

"Oh well we can get through this just like we did with Olivia and Roland and-"

"I don't want this baby!"


"Because this baby is Robin's"

"Henry and Roland are Robin's"

"No they are not."

"Yes they are he is there biological father and this baby is going to be our baby."

"I don't want this baby!"

"So what you want to get an abortion?"


"Well then that's is what we will do."

"Really you're okay with this?"

"Hell no i'm not okay with this."

"Then why did you say-"

"Because Regina you're crying and were fighting and i'm tired of fighting with you all the time. We have been through to much and I just can't keep being your enemy."

"I never said you were."

"You didn't have to because you no what Regina I think you need me more then I need you."

"Emma what are you saying you want to get a divorce?"

"I never said that!"

"You implied that!"

"Ugh this is what i'm talking about, for once can we be on the same side!"

"Emma I have done so much for you!"

"I done so much for you Regina!"

"Emma i'm done this whole thing is so fucking stupid!"


We soon started packing and we booked the next flight back to New York. When we arrived home we walked in and saw Jade sitting on the couch watching Tv.

"What the hell are you guys doing back here so soon?"

"It was time that we come home so we can figure things out."

"Oh well what do you need to figure out."

"We are getting a divorce."



"No you guys are like fucking Meredith and Derek, Alex and Piper, You guys heart each other and you guys are each others person!"


"What about the kids are you going to move out, what about me and and and all of us you guys can't get a divorce!"

"I'm pregnant."

"More the reason to stay together!"

"But Jade-"

"Wait your pregnant?"


"Didn't I say don't come back with more kids gosh you guys are so stubborn."

I turned to Regina and sighed.

"I think i'm going to get a hotel for the night."

"Okay we will talk more in the morning."

I nodded and walked passed Regina and out the door. As I was walking to the car I saw the kids running from Josh's house.

"Mommy you're back!"

They tackled me with hugs and kisses.

"Well you guys should get inside."

"Aren't you coming with us?" Olivia questions.


Before they had a chance to say anything else Regina opened the door and called them inside. Henry then turned and looked at me.

"You guys are breaking up aren't you?"

"Maybe kid?"

"But you promised!"

"Henry i'm going to do what is best for all of us okay."

Henry turned away from me and I grabbed his arm.

"Henry come here."

Henry then broke down in my arms and Regina came out of the house and took Henry by the hand.

"Come on Henry lets get you inside."

I watched as the walked in and I turned and got into my car and drove away.

I Loved Her... (Sequel To I Love Her)Where stories live. Discover now