On The Run

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By the time the boys got back from school we had everything packed and ready to go.


"Henry go to your room and pack some clothes Roland you too!"

"Moms what's going on?"

"Henry we don't have time to explain everything but go, go pack a bag."

Henry just stared at me and Regina.


Henry and Roland ran and packed up some of there clothes. While I took Regina in my arms.

"Hey Gina you okay?"


"Gina do not lie to me."

"No i'm not okay."

"Talk to me."

"Is running the right thing to do?"

"It may not be the right thing but I think if we just get away for a while things will settle down."


"Now I will make sure the boys have everything and then we can get ready to go."

I kissed her forehead and went upstairs to make sure the boys had everything. After the boys where packed we went downstairs and got into the car.



I drove the car until we got to New York and then we stopped at a hotel for the rest of the night. The boys wallked in and I ordered a pizza. The boys put on a movie and sat on the couch next to Regina. I sat next to Regina and she cuddled into me. Soon I looked over to see the boys asleep. I got up and covered them with a blanket and me and Regina decided to go to bed.

"Regina I love you so much."

"I love you too Ems." She mumbled sleepily and before I knew it she was fast asleep.

3 months later


"Mom can I go to Josh's house."

"Sure is Roland going too?"


"Okay be safe."

"We will bye mom."

"Bye love you."

I watched as the boys ran out the door and down the street to their friends home. They adjusted to the move pretty well, and Regina is really happy. I love her so much but I don't know how much longer I can keep this secret anymore. I decided to meet Gina for lunch, so I went down to her office and she was in a meeting. I sat in her chair and spun around in it then I heard heels clicking.

"Well hello Em-ma."

"Hey Gi-na."

She chuckled.

"You ready to go."

"Yeah but can we stop by the house first I need to get something."

"Okay lets go." 

We walked out of the office and drove back to the house. Before we got out Regina looked at me.



"I'm really happy and I love our family."

"I love it too."

She pecked my lips and then got out of the car and I followed her in the house.

"Where are the boys?"

"Down the street."

"At Josh's?"


"They love it there."

"I know."

I walked in the bathroom and then the doorbell rang.

"Babe can you get that!"


I waited for her to say who it was and I walked out to see Regina sitting on the couch with a lady across from her holding a sleeping toddler.

The lady got up and laid the toddler down on the couch.

"Hi you must be Emma Swan."


"Oh sorry but Its very important that I speak with you."


She looked at Regina and Regina raised her eyebrow. 

"This is my wife she can stay." 

I then sat down next to Regina and the lady sat across from us.

"Okay Emma where were you on April 16 approximately 2 to 3 years ago."

"Um... I don't remember."

"Sure you don't."

"Look ma'am I don't think its appropriate for you to just bring some random child into our home and ask Emma questions."

"This is not some random child this is her daughter!"

I looked down as I felt Regina's eyes on me.


"I just kept looking down.

"Emma what the hell is she talking about?"

"I was going to tell you-"


"I don't know Gina."

She got up and walked into the bedroom and slammed the door.

"Why is she here?"

"Her adoptive parents died."

"Were they nice to her?"

"Yes they were really nice people."

"What's going to happen to her?"

"Well you see that's up to you Emma."

She took out a piece of paper and a pen and slid it across the table. I looked at it then looked at the little girl sleeping on the couch.

I Loved Her... (Sequel To I Love Her)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя